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Article L823-12 of the French Commercial code

The statutory auditors shall report to the next general meeting or meeting of the competent body any irregularities and inaccuracies identified by them during the performance of their duties and, where they act for a public interest entity, invite it to investigate in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council. They shall disclose to the public prosecutor…

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Article L823-12-1 of the French Commercial code

Where the auditor’s term of office is limited to three financial years, in addition to the report referred to in Article L. 823-9, the statutory auditor shall prepare a report for the directors identifying the financial, accounting and management risks to which the company is exposed. Where the statutory auditor is appointed pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 823-2-2, the report identifying the financial, accounting and management risks…

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Article L823-12-2 of the French Commercial code

Professional practice standards approved by order of the Minister of Justice determine the steps to be taken by the statutory auditor and the formalities to be observed when carrying out his assignment, when the statutory auditor performs his assignment pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 823-2-2, particularly in respect of controlled companies that have not appointed a statutory auditor, and pursuant to the second and last paragraphs of…

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Article L823-13 of the French Commercial code

At any time of the year, the statutory auditors, together or separately, shall carry out any verifications and controls they deem appropriate and may obtain on the spot any documents they consider useful for the performance of their duties and in particular any contracts, books, accounting documents and minute books. In order to carry out their audits, the statutory auditors may, under their own responsibility, be assisted or represented by…

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Article L823-14 of the French Commercial code

The investigations provided for in Article L. 823-13 may be made both to the person or entity whose accounts the statutory auditors are responsible for certifying and to the persons or entities that control it or that are controlled by it within the meaning of I and II and of Article L. 233-3. They may also be made, for the application of the second paragraph of Article L. 823-9, to…

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Article L823-15 of the French Commercial code

Where the person or entity is required to appoint two statutory auditors, the latter shall jointly conduct an examination of the terms and conditions of the preparation of the accounts, in accordance with the requirements set out in a professional practice standard drawn up in accordance with 2° of I of Article L. 821-1. A professional practice standard determines the principles for allocating the work to be carried out by…

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Article L823-16 of the French Commercial code

I.-The statutory auditors shall inform, as appropriate, the collegiate body responsible for administration or the body responsible for management and the supervisory body, as well as, where applicable, the specialised committee referred to in Article L. 823-19 acting under the responsibility of these bodies: 1° Their general work programme implemented as well as the various tests they have carried out; 2° The amendments they consider should be made to the…

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Article L823-16-1 of the French Commercial code

Statutory auditors are released from professional secrecy with regard to the public accountant of a public body when they are responsible for certifying the accounts of that body. Statutory auditors send a copy of their reports certifying the accounts of public bodies with a public accountant to the latter.

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Article L823-17 of the French Commercial code

The statutory auditors shall be convened to all meetings of the board of directors or the management board and the supervisory board, or of the collegiate administrative or management body and the supervisory body which examine or approve the annual or interim accounts, as well as to all shareholders’ or members’ meetings or to all meetings of the competent body referred to in Article L. 823-1.

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