Article L3214-5 of the French Public Health Code
The procedures for the custody, escort and transport of prisoners hospitalised due to their mental disorder are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The procedures for the custody, escort and transport of prisoners hospitalised due to their mental disorder are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The following offences are punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €15,000 1° For the director of an establishment referred to in article L. 3222-1 to maintain the psychiatric care measure of which a person is the subject, whatever the form, when the lifting of the measure is ordered by the representative of the State in the department or, in Paris, the police prefect in application of article…
The director of an establishment referred to in Article L. 3222-1 is liable to six months’ imprisonment and a fine of €7,500 if he or she: 1° Admit a person to psychiatric care pursuant to 1° of II of article L. 3212-1 without having obtained the request for admission to care and the medical certificates provided for by the same 1° ; 2° Admitting a person to psychiatric care in…
It is punishable by six months imprisonment and a fine of €7,500 for a doctor in an establishment mentioned in article L. 3222-1 to refuse or omit to draw up, within the prescribed time limits, the medical certificates for which he/she is responsible under articles L. 3211-2-2, L. 3212-7, L. 3213-1 and L. 3213-3.
The legality of administrative decisions taken pursuant to Chapters II to IV of this Title may only be challenged before a court of law. The juge des libertés et de la détention shall hear the challenges referred to in the first paragraph of this article in the context of proceedings brought pursuant to articles L. 3211-12 and L. 3211-12-1. In this case, any irregularity affecting an administrative decision referred to…
Mental health policy covers prevention, diagnosis, care, rehabilitation and social reintegration. It is implemented by a wide range of players involved in these areas, in particular health establishments authorised to provide psychiatric care, private practitioners, psychologists and all those involved in prevention, housing, accommodation and social integration.
Psychiatric services may be provided by university or non-university health establishments, regardless of their legal status, and by army hospitals. Psychiatric services are provided in the form of outpatient care, including home care, part-time stays, full-time stays or therapeutic family care. The territorial organisation of psychiatric services guarantees a gradation of care.
I. – A territorial mental health project, the aim of which is to continuously improve access for the people concerned to safe, seamless, quality health and life paths, is drawn up and implemented on the initiative of professionals and establishments working in the field of mental health at a territorial level sufficient to allow the involvement of all the players mentioned in article L. 3221-1 and access to diversified care…
I. – When an armed forces hospital or other component of the armed forces health service participates in the implementation of the mental health policy conducted in application of this chapter : 1° The armed forces health service participates in drawing up the shared territorial mental health diagnosis, which then takes account of its resources; 2° The armed forces hospitals and other elements of the armed forces health service in…
I.- As part of the psychiatric activity mentioned in article L. 3221-1-1, the mission of sector psychiatry, which contributes to the mental health policy defined in article L. 3221-1, consists of guaranteeing for the entire population: 1° Local recourse to psychiatric care, in particular by organising local outpatient care, including in the form of home care, provided by multi-professional teams, in cooperation with the primary care teams referred to in…
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