Article L4523-7 of the French Labour Code
The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee referred to in Articles L. 2315-36 et seq. is set up within the Social and Economic Committee.
The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee referred to in Articles L. 2315-36 et seq. is set up within the Social and Economic Committee.
In the absence of an agreement, the number of delegation hours provided for in article L. 2315-7, granted to staff representatives on the social and economic committee to carry out their duties, is increased by 30%.
The authority responsible for policing the installations is invited to meetings of the social and economic committee and the health, safety and working conditions committee under the conditions set out in Article L. 2314-3.
Staff representatives on the social and economic committee are informed by the employer of the presence of the authority responsible for policing the installations during its visits, and may submit their written observations.
Staff representatives on the social and economic committee, including, where appropriate, representatives of employees from outside companies, receive specific training in relation to particular risks or risk factors associated with the company’s activity. The conditions under which this training is provided and renewed may be defined by collective agreement at branch, company or establishment level.
When the purpose of the meeting of the social and economic committee is to contribute to the definition of common safety rules in the establishment and to the observance of the prevention measures defined in application of article L. 4522-1, it relies on the work of the health, safety and working conditions committee extended to include a representation of the managers of external companies and the workers they employ under…
The provisions of Article L. 4523-11 do not apply to establishments comprising at least one basic nuclear facility in which the managers of external companies and representatives of their employees are involved in the prevention of specific risks associated with the activity of the establishment, in accordance with procedures implemented before the publication of Law No. 2006-686 of 13 June 2006 on transparency and safety in nuclear matters and meeting…
The extended Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee meets at least once a year. It is also convened when a workplace accident occurs in which the victim is an external person working in the establishment.
The representation of external companies on the extended Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee depends on the duration and nature of their work and the number of employees working in the establishment. The employees of external companies are appointed from among the employees regularly working on the site by the social and economic committee of their establishment or, failing that, by the members of the team called upon to work…
The employer and the heads of the external companies respectively take the measures within their prerogatives to enable the employees of external companies appointed to the extended health, safety and working conditions committee to carry out their duties. The Social and Economic Committee may invite the head of an external company to attend on an occasional consultative basis.
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