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Article L2334-23-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Each commune in the overseas departments receives an allocation under the equalisation grant mentioned in III of article L. 2334-23-1 calculated on the basis of its population, multiplied by a synthetic index composed of: 1° The ratio between the per capita financial potential of all the communes in the overseas departments and the per capita financial potential of the commune. The financial potential taken into account includes the amounts collected…

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Article L2334-24 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The proceeds of police fines relating to road traffic intended for local authorities referred to in b of 2° of B of I of Article 49 of Law no. 2005-1719 of 30 December 2005 on finances for 2006 are distributed by the local finance committee with a view to financing operations intended to improve public transport and traffic. The population to be taken into account for the application of this…

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Article L2334-25 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Local Finance Committee apportions the revenue defined in the previous article between the municipalities and public establishments that meet the conditions set by a decree in the Conseil d’Etat. This decree sets the terms and conditions for apportioning this revenue as well as the works that may be financed from their proceeds.

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Article L2334-25-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Net revenue losses resulting from I to V of Article 63 of Law No. 2014-58 of 27 January 2014 on the modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises are compensated for the State and for the local authorities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants defined in 2° of Article R. 2334-10. From 1 January 2019, sums allocated under the second paragraph of article R. 2334-11 are, for each…

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Article L2334-26 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

From 1986 onwards, communes receive a special allocation, deducted from State revenue, to cover the costs they incur in housing teachers. This allocation changes each year in line with the overall operating allocation. From 2011, this change does not apply. The Local Finance Committee may increase this allocation by all or part of the accounting balance relating to the last known financial year. This allocation is distributed by the Local…

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Article L2334-27 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The special allocation for housing teachers provided for in article L. 2334-26 is divided into two parts: – the first part is paid to the communes to compensate for the expenses relating to the accommodation actually occupied by schoolteachers entitled to housing; – the second part is intended to pay the communal allowance provided for by article L. 921-2 of the Education Code.

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Article L2334-28 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Each year, the local finance committee: – carries out a census of primary school teachers benefiting from accommodation made available to them by the commune or the communal allowance in lieu thereof; – sets the unit amount of the special allocation by dividing the total amount of this allocation by the total number of primary school teachers surveyed; – sets the amount of the first and second parts of the…

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Article L2334-29 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The communes directly receive the sums due to them in respect of the first part of the special allocation. Sums relating to the second part are allocated, subject to the provisions of the following paragraph to the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale which pays, on behalf of the commune, under the conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat and without this entailing any charges for this…

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Article L2334-30 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

When the amount of the communal allowance exceeds the unit amount of the special grant as set by the local finance committee, the commune pays the difference directly to the schoolteacher concerned. No sum shall be paid directly to the communes in respect of the operations referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 2334-29.

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