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Article D133-28 of the French Tourism Code

Complaints concerning a failure to comply with the characteristics required by the classification are addressed to the representative of the State in the département. They may be followed by a compliance injunction as mentioned in article D. 133-27.

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Article R133-32 of the French Tourism Code

Communes may be designated as tourist communes if they : a) Have a listed tourist office responsible for the area for which the application for designation is made; b) Organise events during tourist periods that are compatible with the status of protected sites or natural areas, particularly in the cultural, artistic, gastronomic or sporting fields; c) Have the capacity to accommodate a non-permanent population whose ratio to the municipal population…

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Article R133-33 of the French Tourism Code

The accommodation capacity for the non-permanent population referred to in article R. 133-32 is estimated by adding together the following figures: -number of rooms in classified and unclassified hotels multiplied by two ; -the number of beds in tourist residences meeting criteria determined by decree; -the number of furnished accommodation units multiplied by four; -the number of pitches on campsites multiplied by three; -number of beds in holiday villages and…

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Article R133-34 of the French Tourism Code

The resolution requesting the designation of tourist municipality, together with the application file, is sent by the mayor to the prefect by electronic means or, failing that, by post. If the application is incomplete, the Prefect will notify the applicant within two months, specifying the missing documents.

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Article R133-35 of the French Tourism Code

Designation as a tourist municipality is granted by prefectoral decree for a period of five years. Rejection of the application is the subject of a reasoned decision by the departmental prefect, who notifies the mayor. Silence will be deemed to constitute rejection after the expiry of a period of two months from receipt of the complete application by the Prefect.

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Article R133-36 of the French Tourism Code

Any public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation may apply for the designation of tourist municipality, for one, several or all of its member municipalities, with the exception of municipalities which exercise the competence of tourism promotion, including the creation of tourist offices, in application of the provisions of articles L. 5214-16 and L. 5216-5 of the general code of territorial collectivities. The decision of the governing body of the public inter-municipal…

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Article R133-37 of the French Tourism Code

In order to be classified as a tourist resort, the tourist municipalities referred to in article L. 133-11 must implement, if necessary on only a fraction of their territory, actions likely to ensure multi-seasonal frequentation and to develop resources under the conditions referred to in article L. 133-13. To this end, they must a) Offer tourist accommodation of various types and categories; b) For all publics and during tourist periods,…

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Article R133-38 of the French Tourism Code

The deliberation requesting classification as a tourist resort, accompanied by the application file, is sent by the mayor to the departmental prefect by electronic means or, failing that, by post. The resolution defines the area for which classification is requested. A plan is appended to the decision if only a part of the municipality is the subject of the classification application.

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Article R133-39 of the French Tourism Code

As soon as the application is complete, the Prefect examines it. If the application complies, the Prefect will issue a decree classifying the municipality for the period specified in article L. 133-15, within three months. The order defines the boundaries of the classified area. Where this does not coincide with the municipal territory, a map is appended to the order. Rejection of the application for classification is the subject of…

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