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Article L2314-11 of the French Labour Code

The members of the staff delegation of the Social and Economic Committee are elected from lists drawn up by the trade unions for each category of staff: – firstly, by the college of blue-collar and white-collar workers ; – the college of engineers, department heads, technicians, supervisors and similar staff. In companies with at least five hundred and one employees, engineers, heads of department and administrative, commercial or technical managers…

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Article L2314-12 of the French Labour Code

An agreement may modify the number and composition of the electoral colleges provided that it is signed by all the representative trade union organisations in the company. The agreement concluded does not prevent the creation of the third college under the conditions provided for in the last paragraph of article L. 2314-11. The agreement is communicated, at its request, to the labour inspector mentioned in article L. 8112-1.

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Article L2314-13 of the French Labour Code

The distribution of seats between the different categories of personnel and the distribution of personnel in the electoral colleges are the subject of an agreement between the employer and the trade union organisations concluded under the conditions of article L. 2314-6. This agreement mentions the proportion of women and men making up each electoral college. Where at least one trade union organisation has responded to the employer’s invitation to negotiate…

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Article L2314-15 of the French Labour Code

Provisions are made by pre-electoral agreement, concluded in accordance with Article L. 2314-6, to facilitate, where appropriate, the representation of employees working in successive shifts or in conditions that isolate them from other employees.

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Article L2314-16 of the French Labour Code

Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles L. 2314-11 and L. 2314-12, in temporary employment undertakings, the distribution of seats may be the subject of a pre-electoral agreement, concluded in accordance with Article L. 2314-6, with a view to ensuring fair representation of permanent and temporary staff.

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Article L2314-17 of the French Labour Code

Where the court, having been seized of the matter prior to the elections, decides to set up a system to monitor the regularity, freedom and fairness of the ballot, the costs incurred by these measures shall be borne by the employer.

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Article L2314-18 of the French Labour Code

All employees who have reached the age of sixteen, have worked in the company for at least three months and have not been disqualified, disqualified or disqualified from exercising their civic rights are eligible to vote.

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Article L2314-19 of the French Labour Code

Voters must be at least eighteen years of age and have been working in the company for at least one year, with the exception of the employer’s spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee, ascendants, descendants, brothers, sisters and relatives to the same degree, as well as employees who have a specific written delegation of authority enabling them to be assimilated to the head of the company or who…

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Article L2314-20 of the French Labour Code

In temporary employment undertakings, the seniority conditions are, for temporary employees, three months to be eligible to vote and six months to be eligible to stand for election. These conditions are assessed by adding together the periods during which these employees have been linked to these undertakings by assignment contracts during the twelve months or the eighteen months preceding the election, depending on whether it is a question of electorate…

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