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Article L442-8 of the French Commercial code

I.-A contract by which a supplier makes a commitment to any person engaged in production, distribution or service activities on a price offer following remote reverse auctions, organised in particular by electronic means, is void where at least one of the following rules has not been complied with: 1° Prior to the auctions, the purchaser or the person organising them on its behalf shall communicate in a transparent and non-discriminatory…

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Article L442-9 of the French Commercial code

I. – It is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €30,000 to artificially raise or lower either the price of goods or services, or of public or private items, in particular during remote auctions: 1° By disseminating, by any means whatsoever, false or slanderous information; 2° By introducing on the market or soliciting either bids intended to disturb prices, or overbids or underbids made at the prices…

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Article L442-11 of the French Commercial code

It is prohibited for any person to offer products for sale or to offer services using, under irregular conditions, the public domain of the State, local authorities and their public establishments. Infringements of the prohibition mentioned in the first paragraph are investigated and recorded under the conditions defined by articles L. 450-1 to L. 450-3-2 and L. 450-7. Agents may consign, in premises that they determine and for a period…

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Article L443-1 of the French Commercial code

I.-Any advertisement aimed at the consumer, broadcast on any medium or visible from outside the point of sale, mentioning a price reduction or promotional price on perishable food products must specify the nature and origin of the products offered and the period during which the offer is maintained by the advertiser. The indication relating to origin shall be in characters of a size equal to that of the price indication….

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Article L443-2 of the French Commercial code

I. – For perishable agricultural products or products from short production cycles, live animals, carcasses or for fishery and aquaculture products, included on a list established by decree, a distributor or service provider may only benefit from discounts, rebates and refunds or provide for payment for services rendered in connection with their resale, suitable for promoting their marketing and not falling under the obligations of purchase and sale, or services…

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Article L443-3 of the French Commercial code

With the exception of products intended to be sold on a farm on a physical wholesale market by the producer or producer organisation, fresh fruit and vegetables intended for sale or resale to a professional established in France must, when transported on national territory, including within the confines of markets of national interest, be accompanied by an order form drawn up by the buyer or by a contract concluded with…

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Article L443-4 of the French Commercial code

I.-For agricultural products or food products comprising one or more agricultural products, where the indicators listed in the ninth paragraph of III of Article L. 631-24 and in Articles L. 631-24-1 et L. 631-24-3 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code or, where applicable, any other available indicators, including those drawn up by the Observatoire de la formation des prix et des marges des produits alimentaires, the general terms…

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Article L443-5 of the French Commercial code

Buyers of perishable agricultural and food products mentioned in 1° of II of Article L. 441-11 may not cancel an order within a period of less than thirty days. However, for a sector of activity, for a category of purchasers, for a product or a category of products, this period may be reduced, in accordance with procedures laid down by decree, when, having regard in particular to the method of…

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Article L443-6 of the French Commercial code

The unlawful obtaining, use or disclosure of business secrets, within the meaning of articles L. 151-4, L. 151-5 and L. 151-6, by a purchaser of agricultural and food products is punishable by an administrative fine of up to €75,000 for an individual and €375,000 for a legal entity. The maximum fine incurred is increased to €150,000 for a natural person and €750,000 for a legal entity if the breach is…

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