Article 1623 of the French General Tax Code
Orders, judgments and rulings awarding annuities, pursuant to the chapitre Ier du titre V du livre VII du code rural et de la pêche maritime, doivent indiquer si le chef d’entreprise est ou non assuré.
Orders, judgments and rulings awarding annuities, pursuant to the chapitre Ier du titre V du livre VII du code rural et de la pêche maritime, doivent indiquer si le chef d’entreprise est ou non assuré.
If the national identity card is not presented for renewal, a stamp duty of €25 will be charged.
The rules governing the basis of assessment, rates, liquidation and collection of the contribution to supply the guarantee fund for compulsory non-life insurance for those responsible for uninsured accidents are defined in articles L. 421-4, L. 421-4-1 and L. 421-4-2 of the Insurance Code.
The additional contributions to the premiums or contributions relating to certain insurance policies paid into the National Agricultural Risk Management Fund, up to the ceiling provided for in I of Article 46 of Law No. 2011-1977 of 28 December 2011 on finance for 2012, are established, liquidated and recovered in accordance with Article L. 361-2 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.
It is levied for the benefit of the guarantee fund for agricultural disasters in the overseas departments instituted by article L. 371-6 of the rural and maritime fishing code, an additional contribution to insurance premiums or contributions relating to insurance agreements covering exclusively or mainly damage to soil, crops, crops, buildings, and dead or live livestock assigned to agricultural holdings. The additional contribution is based on all premiums or contributions….
I. – Filing with the agency mentioned in article L. 5311-1 of the Public Health Code of each: 1° Application for registration referred to in articles L. 5121-13 and L. 5121-14 of the same code, of each application for renewal or of each application or notification of modification of this registration; 2° Application for registration mentioned in article L. 5121-14-1 of the same code, each application for renewal or each…
I. – The submission of any application for registration, renewal of registration or modification of registration of a medicinal product mentioned in Article L. 5121-8 of the Public Health Code on the list of reimbursable pharmaceutical specialities mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 162-17 of the Social Security Code or on the list of medicinal products reimbursed and used by public authorities, under the conditions mentioned in articles…
I. – The submission of any application for registration, renewal of registration or modification of registration of a health product on the list provided for in I of Article L. 165-11 of the Social Security Code. II. – The amount of this fee is set, up to a limit of €5,600, by order of the ministers responsible for the budget, health and social security. III. – Payment of the fee…
I. – The submission of any application for registration, renewal of registration or modification of registration of a medical device for individual use on the list provided for in Article L. 165-1 of the Social Security Code or a remote medical monitoring activity on the list provided for in Article L. 162-52 of the same code. II. – The amount of this fee is set, up to a limit of…
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