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Article R385-3 of the French Insurance Code

I. – The guarantee fund of supplementary occupational pension funds is equal to one third of the minimum required solvency margin defined in article R. 385-1, but may not be less than 3,700,000 euros. Up to these thresholds or up to half of the guarantee fund, if this half is greater than these thresholds, the guarantee fund is made up of the items mentioned in 1°, 2° and 3° of…

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Article R385-4 of the French Insurance Code

The stress tests referred to in Article L. 385-3 consist of a projection of the business of the supplementary occupational pension fund into the future. This projection is based on : a) A scenario extending the economic conditions existing at the date of the last financial statements; b) Worsened scenarios involving a fall in interest rates, a fall in financial returns from non-depreciable assets or a fall in the mortality…

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Article R385-5 of the French Insurance Code

Supplementary occupational pension funds shall at all times represent their commitments referred to in Article R. 343-1 by equivalent assets, in accordance with the conditions set out in this section and in D of Article R. 332-2. Subject to article R. 385-8, commitments made in a currency must be covered by matching assets, i.e. assets denominated or realisable in that currency. This section applies separately to each allocation sub-account mentioned…

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Article R385-6 of the French Insurance Code

The balance sheet value of all securities issued, receivables other than those referred to in article R. 385-11, loans and securities not traded on a regulated market within the meaning of 11° of article L. 310-3 may not exceed 30% of the total amount of commitments referred to in article R. 343-1.

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Article R385-7 of the French Insurance Code

I. – The balance sheet value of all securities issued, receivables other than those referred to in article R. 385-11, loans obtained or guaranteed and deposits placed with the same body may not exceed 5% of the total amount of commitments referred to in article R. 343-1, with the exception of securities issued or guaranteed or loans obtained by a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area…

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Article R385-9 of the French Insurance Code

In order to comply with the requirements set out in Articles R. 385-5 to R. 385-8, supplementary occupational pension funds shall make transparent any asset line whose book value exceeds 1% of the balance sheet. The cumulative book value of assets that have not been made transparent may not exceed 5% of the balance sheet. For the application of the second paragraph, supplementary occupational pension funds shall make transparent the…

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Article R385-11 of the French Insurance Code

Provisions relating to risks transferred to a supplementary occupational pension fund, an insurance company, a reinsurance company, a mutual insurance company or union governed by Book II of the Mutual Insurance Code or a provident institution or union governed by Title III of Book IX of the Social Security Code may be represented unconditionally by a claim on the fund, company, mutual insurance company or union or institution. By way…

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