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Article L2141-10 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of this Title shall not prevent collective labour agreements or arrangements containing more favourable clauses, in particular those relating to the establishment of trade union delegates or central trade union delegates in all cases where the legal provisions have not made such establishment compulsory. No limitation may be placed on the provisions relating to the exercise of trade union rights by memorandum or unilateral decision of the employer.

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Article L2141-12 of the French Labour Code

Decrees of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of this Title to activities, which by their nature lead to dispersion or permanent mobility of personnel, linked to the normal exercise of the profession.

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Article L2141-13 of the French Labour Code

The Minister for Labour publishes a report on employees in very small companies who are not covered by a collective agreement, a branch agreement, a set of agreements or a special status, and sets up an action plan to improve collective agreement coverage.

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Article L2142-1 of the French Labour Code

As soon as they have several members in the company or establishment, each trade union which is representative there, each trade union affiliated to a representative trade union organisation at national and inter-professional level or each trade union organisation which satisfies the criteria of respect for republican values and independence and has been legally constituted for at least two years and whose professional and geographical scope covers the company concerned…

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Article L2142-1-1 of the French Labour Code

Each trade union which, in accordance with Article L. 2142-1, constitutes a trade union section within the undertaking or establishment of at least fifty employees may, if it is not representative in the undertaking or establishment, appoint a section representative to represent it within the undertaking or establishment. The representative of the trade union section carries out his duties within the framework of the provisions of this chapter. He shall…

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Article L2142-1-2 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of articles L. 2143-1 and L. 2143-2 relating to the conditions of appointment of the trade union delegate, those of articles L. 2143-7 to L. 2143-10 and of the second and third paragraphs of article L. 2143-11 relating to the publication, contestation, exercise and withdrawal of his mandate and those of book IV of this part relating to the protection of trade union delegates are applicable to the…

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Article L2142-1-3 of the French Labour Code

Each trade union section representative has the time required to carry out his/her duties. This time is at least equal to four hours per month. Delegation time is automatically considered as working time and is paid at the normal rate. If the employer wishes to contest the use made of delegation hours, it shall refer the matter to the court. Unless there is a collective agreement to the contrary, when…

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Article L2142-1-4 of the French Labour Code

In companies employing fewer than fifty employees, trade unions which are not representative in the company and which form a trade union section may appoint, for the duration of their mandate, a member of the staff delegation to the social and economic committee as a representative of the trade union section. By agreement, this representative mandate may give entitlement to a credit for hours worked. The time available to the…

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