Article L3142-10 of the French Labour Code
At the end of the leave or the period of part-time work mentioned in Article L. 3142-8, the employee returns to his job or a similar job with at least equivalent pay.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title IV: Paid leave and other holidays | Chapter II: Other holidays | Section 1: Leave to reconcile work and personal and family life | Page 2
At the end of the leave or the period of part-time work mentioned in Article L. 3142-8, the employee returns to his job or a similar job with at least equivalent pay.
Before and after his leave, the employee is entitled to the professional interview mentioned in I of article L. 6315-1.
The duration of this leave cannot be deducted from the annual paid leave. It is taken into account when determining seniority benefits. The employee retains the benefit of all the advantages acquired before the start of the leave.
In the event of a dispute, the employer’s refusal may be challenged directly by the employee before the industrial tribunal (Conseil de prud’hommes), ruling under the accelerated procedure on the merits, under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
In order to implement an employee’s entitlement to the leave referred to in Article L. 3142-6, a company collective agreement or agreement or, failing that, a branch agreement or agreement shall determine: 1° The maximum duration of the leave ; 2° The number of times the leave may be renewed ; 3° The conditions under which the leave may be split up or converted into a period of part-time work;…
In the absence of an agreement referred to in Article L. 3142-14, the following provisions apply: 1° The maximum duration of the leave is three months, renewable once ; 2° The terms and conditions for splitting the leave and converting it into a period of part-time work are defined by decree; 3° The time limits for informing the employer by the employee of the taking of the leave, its foreseeable…
An employee is entitled to leave to care for one of the following people who has a disability or loss of autonomy: 1° Their spouse ; 2° cohabiting partner ; 3° Their partner in a civil solidarity pact ; 4° An ascendant ; 5° a descendant ; 6° A dependent child within the meaning ofArticle L. 512-1 of the Social Security Code; 7° A collateral up to the fourth degree…
The person being helped must be a regular and stable resident of France.
The employee may not engage in any other professional activity during the period of leave. However, they may be employed by the person receiving assistance under the conditions set out in the second paragraph of articles L. 232-7 or L. 245-12 du code de l’action sociale et des familles.
The leave starts or is renewed at the employee’s initiative. It may not exceed one year for the entire career, including renewals. In the event of a sudden deterioration in the state of health of the person being cared for, a crisis situation requiring urgent action on the part of the family carer or the sudden cessation of accommodation in an establishment from which the person being cared for was…
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