Article R6153-1-10 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of articles R. 6153-22 and R. 6153-23 relating respectively to subrogation and affiliation to social security are applicable to junior doctors.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Health facilities and services | Book I: Health establishments | Title V: Medical and pharmaceutical staff | Chapter III: Students in medicine, dentistry, midwifery and pharmacy | Section 1: Status of third-cycle medical, odontology, midwifery and pharmacy students | Page 2
The provisions of articles R. 6153-22 and R. 6153-23 relating respectively to subrogation and affiliation to social security are applicable to junior doctors.
Junior doctors are entitled to maternity leave, birth leave, leave for the arrival of a child placed with a view to adoption, adoption leave or paternity and childcare leave for the periods and according to the procedures laid down in article R. 6152-819. He also benefits from parental presence leave, parental education leave and family solidarity leave in accordance with the conditions laid down in article R. 6153-13.
The junior doctor is entitled to sick leave upon presentation of a medical certificate, up to a limit of twelve consecutive months, during which time he receives, for the first three months of this leave, the full emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6153-1-7 as well as the supervised autonomy allowance and, where applicable, allowances representing the benefits of accommodation, heating, lighting and food. He will receive half of…
A junior doctor suffering from a duly diagnosed condition which, with the exception of the pathologies mentioned in article R. 6153-1-14, on the list drawn up pursuant toarticle 28 of decree no. 86-442 of 14 March 1986 relating to the appointment of approved doctors, the organisation of medical committees and reform boards, the conditions of physical fitness for admission to public employment and the sick leave scheme for civil servants,…
Junior doctors suffering from tuberculosis, mental illness, cancer, severe and acquired immunodeficiency or poliomyelitis and unable to carry out their duties are entitled, after receiving the opinion of the medical committee referred to in article R. 6152-36, to long-term leave for a maximum of twenty-four months per condition for periods not exceeding six months. In this situation, he receives the full emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6153-1-7 as…
In the event of an accident at work or occupational disease, the junior doctor is entitled to leave for the entire period of incapacity to work until full recovery, consolidation of the injury or death. In this situation and up to a limit of thirty-six months, the person concerned receives the full emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6153-1-7 as well as the supervised autonomy allowance and, where applicable,…
The junior doctor may benefit, after receiving the opinion of the medical committee, from a return to part-time work under the conditions laid down in articles L. 323-3 and R. 323-3 of the Social Security Code. During the period of therapeutic part-time work, the junior doctor receives the full emoluments provided for in 1° of article R. 6153-1-7 as well as the supervised autonomy allowance and, where applicable, allowances representing…
The provisions of article R. 6153-19 relating to the procedure before the medical committee are applicable to junior doctors.
The provisions of articles R. 6153-24 to R. 6153-24-4 are applicable to junior doctors.
In disciplinary matters, the provisions of articles R. 6153-29 to R. 6153-33 and R. 6153-36 to R. 6153-39 are applicable to junior doctors.
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