Article R444-70 of the French Commercial code
The notary may waive all emoluments relating to a specific deed or to the various deeds received in connection with the same matter.
The notary may waive all emoluments relating to a specific deed or to the various deeds received in connection with the same matter.
The provisions of this sub-section are applicable to tariffs relating to lawyers’ postulation services in the following matters: 1° The seizure of property governed by articles L. 311-1 to L. 341-1 and R. 311-1 à R. 334-3 of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures; 2° Division governed by Articles 815 to 892 of the Civil Code and Articles 1358 to 1376 of the Code of Civil Procedure; 3° La licitation…
The basis for the proportional fees received by the lawyer for performing the services mentioned in article R. 444-71 is the interest of the dispute. This is assessed in accordance with the procedures specified, as necessary, by the order setting these fees pursuant to article L. 444-3.
Lawyers may not charge any receipts or accounting fees for the collection or safekeeping of funds handled as a result of proceedings initiated by them.
Before any settlement, lawyers are required to provide the parties, even if they do not request it, with a document, known as a “statement of costs”, setting out a detailed account of the emoluments, costs and disbursements for which they are liable. Statements of costs must show separately and distinctly emoluments, advances paid, costs and disbursements, with mention of: 1° For emoluments: a) The lines in Table 6 annexed to…
When, pursuant to Article R. 444-15, the lawyer exercises his right to withhold documents that he has drawn up, documents that have been given to him to support the case or securities that he has obtained in the course of the proceedings, the communication of these documents or securities to any public or ministerial officer acting on behalf of the party must always be made on a provisional basis, when…
Lawyers are prohibited, under penalty of disciplinary sanctions, from sharing their emoluments with a third party.
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