Article R3252-41 of the French Labour Code
If the creditor transfers his domicile, he shall notify the court registry, unless he has appeared by proxy.
If the creditor transfers his domicile, he shall notify the court registry, unless he has appeared by proxy.
If, without changing employer, the debtor transfers his domicile outside the jurisdiction of the court hearing the proceedings, the proceedings are continued before the same court. Any seizures that may subsequently be made against the debtor are forwarded to this court. The court clerk notifies the creditors.
When the legal relationship between the debtor and the employer ends, the funds held by the administrator are distributed.
In the event of a change of employer, the seizure may be continued by the new employer, without prior conciliation, if the request is made within one year of the notice given by the former employer. Failing this, the seizure is terminated and the funds are distributed. If, in addition, the debtor has transferred the place where he resides to the jurisdiction of another judicial court, the creditor is also…
The assignment of sums due by way of remuneration is effected by a declaration made by the assignor in person at the registry of the court for the place where he resides. A copy of the declaration is given or notified to the assignee.
At the request of the assignee, the Registrar will notify the employer of the assignment. This notification makes the assignment enforceable against third parties. The debtor is notified. An assignment that is not notified within one year lapses.
From the date of notification of the assignment, the employer pays the amount of the sums assigned directly to the assignee, up to the limit of the seizable fraction.
In the event of the seizure of a sum due by way of remuneration that has been previously assigned, the court clerk will notify the assignee of the seizure deed, informing him that, pursuant to article L. 3252-12, he will join the assignee in distributing the sums seized and inviting him to produce a statement of the amount still owed to him. The court clerk informs the employer that payments…
If the seizure is terminated before the assignment, the assignee regains the rights it had under the deed of assignment. The court clerk will notify the employer and inform him that the sums assigned will once again be paid directly to the assignee. The employer is also notified.
The monthly ceiling provided for in Article L. 3253-2 is set at twice the monthly ceiling used to calculate social security contributions.
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