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Article L313-11 of the French Consumer Code

The creditor or credit intermediary shall provide the borrower, free of charge, with adequate explanations to enable the borrower to determine whether the credit agreement or agreements offered and any ancillary services are suited to the borrower’s needs and financial situation. These explanations include in particular: 1° The information contained in the European Standardised Information Sheet referred to in Article L. 313-7, as well as, for credit intermediaries, the information…

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Article L313-12 of the French Consumer Code

Without prejudice to the solvency check referred to in Article L. 313-16, the creditor or credit intermediary shall warn the borrower free of charge when, in view of the borrower’s financial situation, a credit agreement may entail specific risks for the borrower. .

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Article L313-13 of the French Consumer Code

Without prejudice to the provisions relating to adequate explanations and warnings mentioned in articles L. 313-11 and L. 313-12, the lender or intermediary may provide the borrower with advice on the credit agreements defined in Article L. 313-1. The advisory service consists of the provision to the borrower of personalised recommendations regarding one or more credit agreements and constitutes an activity distinct from the granting of credit and the activity…

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Article L313-14 of the French Consumer Code

Advice is considered to be independent if it is provided on the basis of a sufficiently large number of credit agreements available on the market and if its provision does not give rise to any remuneration other than that paid, where applicable, by the borrower. Under no circumstances may the independent advisory service give rise to remuneration in any form whatsoever from a creditor or credit intermediary. The lender or…

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Article L313-16 of the French Consumer Code

Credit is granted to the borrower only if the creditor has been able to verify that the obligations arising from the credit agreement are likely to be fulfilled in accordance with what is provided for in that agreement. To this end, before concluding a credit agreement, the creditor carries out a rigorous assessment of the borrower’s solvency. This assessment shall take appropriate account of the relevant factors for assessing the…

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Article L313-17 of the French Consumer Code

The creditor may neither terminate nor subsequently amend the credit agreement entered into with the borrower on the grounds that the information provided was incomplete or that the creditor incorrectly verified the borrower’s creditworthiness, except in the event that it is proven that information essential to the conclusion of the agreement was knowingly concealed or falsified by the borrower.

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Article L313-18 of the French Consumer Code

The creditor shall reassess the borrower’s creditworthiness, on the basis of updated information, before a significant increase in the total amount of credit is granted after the conclusion of the credit agreement, unless such additional credit was provided for and included in the initial assessment of creditworthiness.

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Article L313-20 of the French Consumer Code

When the lender carries out or arranges for the valuation of the residential property financed with a loan referred to in article L. 313-1, it shall ensure that: 1° The valuation is carried out by a property valuer who can demonstrate professional competence and who is independent of the loan decision-making process in order to provide an impartial and objective valuation; 2° Reliable valuation standards are applied, taking into account…

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