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Article R823-8 of the French Consumer Code

The Board of Directors shall adopt its rules of procedure. A financial committee is set up within the Board of Directors to prepare the Board’s work on points 4° to 10° of Article R. 823-7. An order of the Minister for Industry sets the composition and operating procedures of this committee. .

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Article R823-9 of the French Consumer Code

A Government Commissioner, appointed by order of the Minister for Industry, is assigned to the establishment. He may at any time ask to be provided with any documents, papers or records and carry out or arrange for any checks to be carried out. If unable to attend, he may be represented at meetings of the Board of Directors by a civil servant under his authority.

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Article R823-10 of the French Consumer Code

The deliberations of the Board of Directors relating to the objects mentioned in 6°, 7°, 8°, 10°, 11° and 16° of article R. 823-7 are enforceable only after they have been approved by the Minister for Industry and the Minister for the Budget. The decisions referred to in 4° and 5° are enforceable under the conditions set out in Title III of Decree no. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on…

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Article R823-11 of the French Consumer Code

The Director General of the laboratory is appointed by decree on the report of the Minister for Industry. He represents the establishment in all civil acts.He prepares the meetings of the Board of Directors, implements its decisions and reports to it on the execution of these decisions.He manages the laboratory’s departments and, in this capacity, has authority over the staff.Within the framework of the rules defined by the Board of…

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Article R823-13 of the French Consumer Code

A metrology committee is attached to the laboratory. It is made up of representatives of the main public bodies carrying out metrology activities, representatives of the Minister for Industry and the Minister for Research and leading figures qualified in metrology, in particular leading scientific figures, appointed for three renewable years by joint order of the Minister for Research and the Minister for Industry. The chairman of the committee is appointed…

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Article R823-14 of the French Consumer Code

The annual report on the laboratory’s activities is sent by the Chairman of the Board of Directors to the Minister for Industry, who forwards it to the Prime Minister and to all the ministers concerned.This report, which is published, includes a section relating to the general conclusions that can be drawn from the laboratory’s work in areas of particular interest to consumer health and safety, the quality and durability of…

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Article R823-15 of the French Consumer Code

The establishment’s resources include in particular:1° Remuneration for services rendered;2° Proceeds from royalties and contributions of all kinds, in particular royalties applicable to new inventions and processes to the development of which the establishment has contributed;3° Subsidies from the State, local authorities, public establishments and all public or private bodies ;4° Loans contracted by it and advances granted to it;5° Interest on and repayment of loans and advances granted by…

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Article R823-16 of the French Consumer Code

The laboratory is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management, with the exception of 1° and 2° of Article 175 and Articles 178 to 185,204 to 208 and 220 to 228.

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