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Article R3122-5 of the French Public procurement code

A concession notice may not be published in any medium other than the Official Journal of the European Union before it has been published by the Publications Office of the European Union.The awarding authority may, however, proceed with publication at national level if it has not been notified of publication in the Official Journal of the European Union within forty-eight hours of confirmation of receipt of the notice by the…

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Article R3122-7 of the French Public procurement code

The consultation documents consist of all the documents provided by the conceding authority or to which it refers, in order to define the subject, the technical and functional specifications, the conditions for awarding and executing the concession contract, as well as the deadline for submitting applications or tenders and, where applicable, the conditions for charging for the service provided to the user.They include in particular the concession notice, the concession…

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Article R3122-8 of the French Public procurement code

Any amendment to the consultation documents shall be communicated to all economic operators, to candidates admitted to submit a tender or to all tenderers, under conditions guaranteeing their equality and allowing them sufficient time to submit their applications or tenders.

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Article R3122-9 of the French Public procurement code

The consultation documents are made available electronically on a buyer profile defined in article R. 3122-10, as from the date of publication of a concession notice or the date of dispatch of the invitation to submit a tender. The text of the concession notice or invitation specifies the Internet address at which the consultation documents can be consulted.

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Article R3122-10 of the French Public procurement code

The buyer profile is the dematerialisation platform enabling, in particular, the concession-granting authorities to make the consultation documents available to economic operators electronically and to receive the documents sent by candidates and tenderers electronically. An order of the Minister for the Economy appended to this code sets out the functions and minimum requirements for buyer profiles.

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Article R3122-11 of the French Public procurement code

By way of derogation from article R. 3122-9, when, in duly justified circumstances, for reasons of exceptional security, technical reasons or because of the particularly sensitive nature of commercial information requiring a very high level of protection, the concession-granting authority is unable to provide electronic access to certain consultation documents, it shall indicate, in the concession notice or the invitation to submit a tender, that these documents will be transmitted…

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Article R3122-13 of the French Public procurement code

The means of communication used may not have the effect of restricting the access of economic operators to the procedure for awarding the concession contract.The transmission, exchange and storage of information are carried out in such a way as to ensure the integrity of the data and the confidentiality of applications and tenders and to guarantee that the conceding authority does not become aware of the content of applications and…

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Article R3122-14 of the French Public procurement code

With the exception of the cases provided for in articles R. 3122-4 and R. 3122-9, the conceding authority chooses the means of communication with the economic operators. This choice is indicated in the concession notice or, in the absence of such a notice, in another consultation document.

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