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Article R3125-1 of the French Public procurement code

The conceding authority shall immediately notify each candidate or tenderer concerned of its decision to reject their application or tender.This notification shall specify the reasons for the rejection and, in the case of tenderers, the name(s) of the successful tenderer(s) as well as the reasons which led to the choice of the tender. It shall include an indication of the length of the standstill period that the conceding authority imposes…

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Article R3125-2 of the French Public procurement code

The conceding authority must respect a period of sixteen days between the date on which the notification is sent and the date on which the concession contract is concluded. This period is reduced to at least eleven days if the notification is sent electronically to all interested candidates and tenderers.These time limits do not need to be observed if the concession contract is awarded solely to the operator who took…

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Article R3125-3 of the French Public procurement code

The concession granting authority shall inform tenderers who have submitted a tender that has not been eliminated pursuant to article L. 3124-2 of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected, within fifteen days of receiving a request to this end.

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Article R3125-6 of the French Public procurement code

The awarding authority shall send for publication an award notice within a maximum period of forty-eight days from the notification of the concession contract.This notice shall be drawn up in accordance with the model set out in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1986 of 11 November 2015 establishing standard forms for the publication of notices in the framework of the award of public contracts and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) No 842/2011.

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Article R3126-1 of the French Public procurement code

This chapter applies to the following concession contracts: 1° Concession contracts whose estimated value is below the European threshold set out in a notice annexed to this code; 2° Concession contracts which, regardless of their estimated value, have as their object: a) Activities covered by c of 1° of Article L. 1212-3 ; b) One of the social services or other specific services listed in the notice annexed to this…

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Article R3126-2 of the French Public procurement code

Where a concession contract covers both an activity referred to in b of 2° of article R. 3126-1 and another service activity, it is awarded: 1° In accordance with the rules applicable to its main purpose where this other service activity is not covered by this chapter. The main purpose of the contract is determined on the basis of the highest estimated value of these respective activities; 2° In accordance…

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