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Article L1413-12 of the French Public Health Code

The Agency shall be subject to an administrative, budgetary, financial and accounting system and to State control adapted to the specific nature of its mission and defined in this chapter. The Agency’s resources are made up of : 1° Subsidies from the State, local authorities, their public bodies, the European Union or international organisations; 2° A contribution from compulsory health insurance schemes, paid and distributed in accordance with conditions laid…

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Article L1413-12-2 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The rules of professional conduct applicable to members of the Agency’s Boards and Committees, its employees, health reservists and persons who occasionally provide assistance to the Agency or its bodies, and guaranteeing compliance with the obligations of confidentiality, professional secrecy and impartiality, are specified by the Board of Directors, after consulting the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee, in compliance with the provisions of Articles L. 1451-1 to L. 1452-3. These…

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Article L1413-12-3 of the French Public Health Code

The terms and conditions for the application of this section shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, which shall specify in particular: 1° The conditions under which the National Public Health Agency or, where applicable, other members of the national public health network have access to information covered by medical confidentiality, professional confidentiality or business confidentiality. This decree specifies the conditions under which the confidentiality with regard…

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Article L1413-13 of the French Public Health Code

In the event of risks to public health or to the health of a person due to an abnormality arising during investigations, treatments or preventive actions, the administrative authority may give formal notice to the professionals, bodies or establishments which carried out these investigations, treatments or preventive actions to inform the persons concerned if it appears that this information was not provided in accordance with article L. 1111-2.

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Article L1413-14 of the French Public Health Code

Any healthcare professional, healthcare establishment or medico-social establishment or service having observed either a healthcare-associated infection, including a nosocomial infection, or any serious adverse event associated with healthcare, in the context of care provided during investigations, treatments, medical procedures, including cosmetic procedures, or preventive actions, shall report it to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. The healthcare professionals concerned analyse the causes of these infections and undesirable events….

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Article L1413-15 of the French Public Health Code

State services and local authorities, their public establishments, public and private health establishments, the armed forces health service, social and medico-social establishments and services, emergency services and all health professionals are required to notify the Director General of the Regional Health Agency immediately of any imminent threats to the health of the population of which they are aware, as well as situations in which they believe there is a serious…

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Article L1413-16 of the French Public Health Code

The procedures for applying this section shall be determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat, in particular the nature and seriousness of the events mentioned in article L. 1413-14 which must be reported, the procedures for collecting this information or data, the procedures for analysing these events and the rules guaranteeing respect for medical confidentiality.

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Article L1414-3-3 of the French Public Health Code

As part of its mission to accredit doctors practising in health institutions, the Haute Autorité de santé is responsible for : 1° Collecting and analysing reports of events considered to involve medical risks from doctors or medical teams applying for accreditation; 2° Working with the professionals and organisations concerned, using scientifically recognised methods, to draw up or validate benchmarks for the quality of care and professional practices based on multiple…

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Article L1414-4 of the French Public Health Code

In order to develop the evaluation of care and professional practices and implement the certification procedure, the Haute Autorité de santé ensures the collaboration of professionals by setting up and running a national and local network of experts. Persons collaborating, even occasionally, in the work of the Haute Autorité de santé may not, under the penalties laid down inarticle 432-12 of the French Penal Code, lend their assistance to an…

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