Article R5123-11 of the French Labour Code
The State’s contribution may not exceed 75% of the amount of the allowance, nor may it exceed a maximum amount per employee set by joint order of the ministers responsible for employment and the budget.
The State’s contribution may not exceed 75% of the amount of the allowance, nor may it exceed a maximum amount per employee set by joint order of the ministers responsible for employment and the budget.
The agreement referred to in 2° of article L. 5123-2 may provide for the allocation of a special allowance for older workers made redundant for economic reasons who, in accordance with the procedures laid down by each agreement, have been declared unsuitable for redeployment.
The agreement determines the amount of the financial contribution payable by the signatory company.
The reference salary used as a basis for determining the special allowance is set on the basis of the remuneration on which contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme were based for the last twelve calendar months prior to the last day of work paid to the person concerned, up to a limit of twice the ceiling provided for in article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code. It is calculated…
The total amount of the special allowance is equal to 65% of the daily reference salary up to the ceiling provided for in article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code, plus 50% of the reference salary for the portion of this salary between one and two times this same ceiling.
The amount of the special allowance may not be less than the minimum unemployment insurance allowance provided for in article L. 5422-3. The amount of the guaranteed daily allowance may not exceed 85% of the reference salary.
The special allowance is awarded at the latest until the age stipulated in 1° of article L. 351-8 of the Social Security Code. The conditions under which it may be combined with a retirement pension and the terms of such combination are determined by decree.
Payment of the special allowance is suspended if you return to work.
However, on an exceptional basis and for certain tasks of general interest carried out on behalf of private non-profit organisations or public authorities that have signed an agreement with the prefect for this purpose, payment of the special allowance may be maintained, taking into account any remuneration received by the person concerned.
The reference salary and the minimum amount of the allowance are revalued in accordance with the terms and conditions defined by decree.
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