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Article L313-21 of the French Consumer Code

The valuation referred to in article L. 313-20 consists of determining the value of the property after analysing all the documents provided by the lender that are useful for carrying out the valuation in accordance with the standards in force.

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Article L313-22 of the French Consumer Code

The assessment referred to in article L. 313-20 gives rise to the drafting of an appraisal document taking into account, in accordance with the standards mentioned in 2° of the same article, the legal, economic, technical and tax factors used to establish the value of the property. This valuation is recorded on a durable medium. The list of documents kept by the lender is specified by decree.

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Article L313-24 of the French Consumer Code

For the loans referred to in Article L. 313-1, the lender shall formulate an offer provided free of charge on paper or on another durable medium to the borrower and to the guarantors declared by the borrower when they are natural persons. This offer is accompanied by the European standardised information sheet referred to in Article L. 313-7 when its characteristics differ from the information contained in the information sheet…

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Article L313-25 of the French Consumer Code

The offer mentioned in article L. 313-24 : 1° Mention the identity of the parties and any declared guarantors; 2° Specify the nature, purpose, terms and conditions of the loan, in particular those relating to the dates and conditions for making the funds available; 3° For loan offers with a fixed interest rate, include an amortisation schedule detailing for each instalment the breakdown of repayment between capital and interest ;…

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Article L313-27 of the French Consumer Code

Any change in the conditions for obtaining a loan with a fixed interest rate, in particular the amount or rate of credit, shall give rise to the provision to the borrower of a new advance offer on paper or on another durable medium.

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Article L313-28 of the French Consumer Code

In cases where the borrower presents another insurance contract in place of the insurance contract proposed by the lender under the conditions set out in Article L. 313-29, the lender may issue an amended offer, on paper or on another durable medium, subject to the provisions of article L. 313-32, without the time limits mentioned in article L. 313-34 are not extended or renewed. The terms on which the lender…

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Article L313-29 of the French Consumer Code

When the lender offers the borrower an insurance contract with a view to guaranteeing, in the event of the occurrence of one of the risks that this contract defines, either the total or partial repayment of the amount of the loan outstanding, or the payment of all or part of the instalments on the said loan, the following provisions must be applied: 1° Attached to the loan contract is a…

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Article L313-30 of the French Consumer Code

Until the borrower signs the offer referred to in article L. 313-24, the lender may not refuse another insurance contract as collateral, provided that this contract offers a level of cover equivalent to the insurance contract it offers. The same applies when the borrower exercises the right of cancellation provided for in premier alinéa de l’article L. 113-12-2 du code des assurances or au third paragraph of article L. 221-10…

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