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Article R718-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Where a time limit is expressed in days, the day of the act, event, decision or notification which causes it to run shall not count. Where a time limit is expressed in months or years, the time limit shall expire on the day of the last month or year which bears the same number as the day of the act, event, decision or notification which causes the time limit to…

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Article R718-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Any notification shall be deemed to be in order if it is made: 1° To the last proprietor of the trademark application declared to the Institute or to the last proprietor entered in the National Register of Trademarks; 2° To the local authorities and public establishments mentioned in Article L. 712-2-1; 3° To the agent of the aforementioned natural or legal persons. If the natural or legal person to whom…

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Article R718-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The notifications provided for in this Title shall be made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Registered mail may be replaced by delivery of the letter to the addressee, against receipt, on the premises of the National Institute of Industrial Property or by a message in electronic form in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Director General of the Institute to guarantee in particular the security of…

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Article R718-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code

All correspondence or documents relating to proceedings before the National Institute of Industrial Property provided for in this Title shall be filed at the registered office of the Institute or sent there by post or by any means of teletransmission under the conditions defined by decision of its Director General. Their filing date shall be that of receipt at the registered office of the Institute. The Director General of the…

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Article R718-6 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Where a trade mark has been the subject, before the entry into force of decree no. 2019-1316 of 9 December 2019 of a declaration of early renewal pursuant to Article R. 712-25, as it read prior to this entry into force, it may be renewed at the same time as its associated filing(s) by means of a single declaration accompanied by proof of payment of the prescribed fee for each…

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Article R718-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Collective certification marks registered before the entry into force of decree no. 2019-1316 of 9 December 2019 remain governed by the provisions of articles R. 715-1 and R. 715-2 in their wording prior to that resulting from this decree. For a period of one year from the entry into force of the latter, the owner of such a mark may request the Institut national de la propriété industrielle to enter…

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Article R721-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

I. – The application for approval or amendment of the approved specification, together with all the documents relating to the application, shall be sent to the National Institute of Industrial Property by electronic means, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decision of the Director General of the Institute, by the defence and management organisation defined in Article L. 721-4 or by a representative meeting the conditions set out…

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Article R721-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

I. – On receipt of an application for approval of a specification, the National Institute of Industrial Property shall send a filing receipt with the application number to the applicant organisation or its representative. II. – The Institute shall notify the applicant within two months of the filing of the application referred to in I: 1° Either, where the application is complete, that the complete application has been received; 2°…

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