Article R2122-28 of the French Labour Code
The Court of First Instance shall rule within ten days of the date of the appeal, without formality and without costs, and on simple notice given five days in advance to the parties concerned.
The Court of First Instance shall rule within ten days of the date of the appeal, without formality and without costs, and on simple notice given five days in advance to the parties concerned.
The court registry will notify the applicant and the interested parties of the court’s decision without delay and within three days at the latest, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. At the same time, the court registry sends it to the service provider referred to in article R. 2122-14.
Voters who are minors may, without the authorisation of their legal representative, be plaintiffs or defendants in a contentious appeal.
The appeal is lodged, investigated and judged under the conditions laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure for professional elections. The parties are exempted from the requirement to appear before the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de Cassation.
The time limits set by articles R. 2122-26, R. 2122-28, R. 2122-29 and R. 2122-31 are calculated and extended in accordance with the provisions of articles 640 to 642 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Applications from trade union organisations are submitted electronically on a dedicated website under the responsibility of the Minister of Labour. Applications from trade union organisations that are statutorily entitled to be present in the geographical area of one or more regions or local authorities included in the territorial jurisdiction of a single regional directorate for companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment are examined by this directorate. Applications from trade union…
An order issued by the Minister for Labour sets the period for the submission of candidacies and election propaganda documents by trade union organisations, as well as the model documents required for the submission of candidacies.
Trade unions affiliated to the same trade union organisation at cross-industry level declare themselves as candidates under the name of that organisation alone. Trade unions other than those whose articles of association entitle them to be present at cross-industry level shall indicate the branch or branches in which they are standing as candidates, taking into account the employees they are statutorily entitled to represent.
The following documents must be attached to a trade union organisation’s nomination paper: 1° A declaration on honour by the representative of this organisation certifying that his candidacy meets the requirements set out in article L. 2122-10-6; 2° A copy of its articles of association; 3° A copy of the receipt for the filing of its articles of association; 4° Evidence and documents proving the independence and financial transparency of…
The administrative authority responsible for examining the declaration of candidacy issues a receipt to the trade union organisation’s representative by electronic means, provided that this declaration satisfies the conditions and deadlines laid down in Articles R. 2122-34 and R. 2122-36. If the application does not meet the conditions laid down in Article L. 2122-10-6, it notifies the trade union organisation’s representative of its refusal to validate the application. Validation of…
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