Article R2122-99 of the French Labour Code
Appeals against decisions taken in application of article L. 2122-11 are brought before the court designated byarticle R. 311-2 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
Appeals against decisions taken in application of article L. 2122-11 are brought before the court designated byarticle R. 311-2 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
The union’s articles of association are deposited at the town hall of the locality where the union is established. The mayor communicates these articles of association to the public prosecutor.
The annual accounts of the professional trade unions of employees or employers and their associations, and of the associations of employees or employers mentioned in Article L. 2135-1 are drawn up in accordance with the conditions laid down in this chapter.
The annual accounts of professional trade unions of employees or employers and their unions, and associations of employees or employers mentioned in Article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of Article D. 2135-9 exceed 230,000 euros at the close of a financial year include a balance sheet, an income statement and notes in accordance with the procedures defined by regulation of the Autorité des normes comptables. The accounting requirements…
The annual accounts of professional trade unions of employees or employers and their unions, and associations of employees or employers mentioned in Article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of Article D. 2135-9 are less than or equal to 230,000 euros at the close of the financial year may be drawn up in the form of a simplified balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes to the accounts,…
The annual accounts of professional trade unions of employees or employers and their unions, and associations of employees or employers mentioned in article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of article D. 2135-9 are less than 2,000 euros at the close of a financial year may be drawn up in the form of a book listing in chronological order the amount and origin of the resources they receive and…
The accounts of the professional trade unions and associations thereof, and of the employees’ or employers’ associations mentioned in Article L. 2135-2 include a balance sheet, an income statement and notes to the accounts drawn up in accordance with the procedures defined by regulation of the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables). The accounting requirements for consolidated accounts are set by regulation of the Autorité des normes comptables.
The combined accounts of trade unions and associations thereof, and of employees’ or employers’ associations referred to in Article L. 2135-3 include a balance sheet, an income statement and notes to the accounts drawn up in accordance with the procedures defined by regulation of the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables). The accounting requirements for combined accounts are set by regulation of the Autorité des normes comptables.
The professional trade unions of employees or employers and their unions, and the associations of employees or employers mentioned in article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of article D. 2135-9 are equal to or greater than 230,000 euros at the close of a financial year shall publish their accounts and the auditor’s report on the website of the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information. To this end, within…
The professional trade unions of employees or employers and their associations, and the associations of employees or employers mentioned in article L. 2135-1 whose resources within the meaning of article D. 2135-9 are less than 230,000 euros at the close of a financial year ensure the publication of their accounts and, in the case of professional trade unions of employers, their unions and employers’ associations wishing to establish their representativeness…
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