Article L613-53-5 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
The provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 613-52, of II of Article L. 613-52-2 and of Articles L. 613-52-3, L. 613-52-4 and L. 613-52-6 apply when a bridge facility is used.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Monetary and Financial Code | Legislative part | Book VI: Banking and financial institutions | Title I: Institutions responsible for regulation and control | Chapter III: Provisions specific to credit institutions, finance companies, investment firms, electronic money institutions, payment institutions and central counterparties | Section 4: Measures to prevent and manage banking crises | Subsection 10: Provisions relating to the resolution procedure | Page 4
The provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 613-52, of II of Article L. 613-52-2 and of Articles L. 613-52-3, L. 613-52-4 and L. 613-52-6 apply when a bridge facility is used.
I. – The resolution board may use one or more asset management structures to which all or part of the assets, rights or obligations of a person subject to a resolution procedure or a bridge institution are transferred, on one or more occasions. These structures are responsible for managing these assets with a view to realising them at the best price. When an asset management vehicle is created to receive…
I. – Any property, right or obligation acquired by the asset management vehicle may be transferred back to its original owner. Except where the transferee is a bridge institution, this transfer does not require the consent of the original owner. II. – This new transfer may only be decided by the collège de résolution where it was expressly provided for in the initial transfer deed or where it relates to…
The provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 613-52, of II of Article L. 613-52-2, of Article L. 613-52-3, of V of Article L. 613-53 and of I of Article L. 613-53-1 shall apply when an asset management vehicle is used.
I. – Commitments which may be used for the internal replenishment of a person subject to a resolution procedure may be written down or converted into Tier 1 capital instruments in order to pursue one or other of the following objectives: 1° To recapitalise the person fulfilling the conditions for triggering a resolution procedure in order to restore its ability to comply with the conditions of its authorisation, to continue…
I. – The following commitments may not be written down or converted, regardless of the legal regime applicable to them: 1° Covered deposits defined in application of 2° of article L. 312-16 or covered by an equivalent system; 2° Guaranteed commitments, including guaranteed bonds, and commitments in the form of financial instruments used for hedging purposes which form an integral part of the hedging pool and which are guaranteed in…
When implementing an internal bail-out measure, the collège de résolution shall comply with the provisions of Articles L. 613-55 and L. 613-55-1.
I. – The collège de résolution shall assess, on the basis of a valuation in accordance with Article L. 613-47, the cumulative amount: 1° Where applicable, the amount by which the value of the commitments usable for internal bail-in must be reduced so that the net asset value of the person subject to the resolution procedure is equal to zero ; 2° Where applicable, the amount by which the liabilities…
I. – When it implements an internal bailout measure referred to in I of Article L. 613-55 or a write-down or conversion measure pursuant to the provisions of sub-section 9 of this section, the resolution college shall take one or other of the following measures in respect of the holders of the equity securities referred to in Chapter II of Title I of Book II or other ownership securities: 1°…
I. – Notwithstanding any contractual clause providing for the reduction or conversion of the instruments mentioned in 1°, 2° or 3° below and subject to the exclusions mentioned in I and II of Article L. 613-55-1, the resolution college shall implement a write-down measure as part of the internal bail-in under the following conditions: 1° Tier 1 core capital instruments are written down in accordance with Article L. 613-48-3 ;…
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