Article R2121-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The election of the municipal council shall take place in accordance with the procedures set out in articles R. 1 to R. 97 and to articles R. 118 to R. 128 of the electoral code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE COMMUNE | TITLE II: BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY
The election of the municipal council shall take place in accordance with the procedures set out in articles R. 1 to R. 97 and to articles R. 118 to R. 128 of the electoral code.
The table provided for in article L. 2121-1 of this code is sent to the prefect no later than 6pm on the Monday following the election of the mayor and deputy mayors. The list of Community Councillors resulting from the application of article L. 273-11 of the Electoral Code shall also be sent to the Prefect within the same timeframe.
In the cases provided for in article L. 2121-5, the compulsory resignation of members of municipal councils is pronounced by the administrative court. The mayor, after refusal established under the conditions provided for by article L. 2121-5 shall refer the matter to the administrative court within a period of one month, on pain of forfeiture. If no decision is taken within the time limit set in the previous paragraph, the…
In the event of the provisional suspension of the town council provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 2121-6, the prefect shall immediately report to the Minister of the Interior.
The notices provided for in Article L. 2121-10 takes place at the town hall.
In the case provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 2121-14, the deliberations relating to the mayor’s administrative account are forwarded by the session chairman to the prefect or sub-prefect.
The deliberations of the town council are recorded in a register listed and initialled by the mayor, regardless of the method of transmission of these deliberations to the prefect. Matters coming up for deliberation during the same meeting are given an order number within the meeting. Each sheet closing a meeting recalls the serial numbers of the deliberations taken and includes the list of members present and a place for…
The arrangements for the layout and use of the shared premises made available to councillors not belonging to the municipal majority, pursuant to article L. 2121-27, are set by agreement between them and the mayor. In the event of disagreement, it is up to the mayor to determine the terms and conditions of this provision. In municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more, the municipal councillors concerned may, at their request,…
In the case provided for in article L. 2122-12, nominations are posted at the town hall.
The five-day period within which, in accordance with article L. 2122-13, the election of the mayor and deputy mayors may be declared null and void from twenty-four hours after the election.
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