Article R2162-21 of the French Public procurement code
When a service contract is awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the competition, his remuneration takes account of the premium he received for taking part in the competition.
When a service contract is awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the competition, his remuneration takes account of the premium he received for taking part in the competition.
The jury is made up of people who are independent of the participants in the competition. Where a particular professional qualification is required to take part in a competition, at least one third of the members of the jury must hold that qualification or an equivalent qualification.
For competitive examinations organised by the State, the members of the selection board are appointed as follows:1° For central State administrations, departments with national competence and decentralised departments that are not placed under the authority of the prefect, by the minister to whom they report;2° For decentralised State departments placed under the authority of the prefect, by the prefect.
In the case of competitions organised by local authorities, their public establishments and their groupings, with the exception of public social or medico-social establishments and public housing offices, the elected members of the tendering committee form part of the jury.
For competitions organised by purchasers other than those mentioned in articles R. 2162-23 and R. 2162-24, the members of the jury are appointed according to the rules specific to each establishment.
For the consortia mentioned in I of article L. 1414-3 of the General Local Authorities Code, the members of the consortium’s tendering committee form part of the jury. For other consortia, the composition of the jury is determined by the consortium agreement.
Contracting entities may use a qualification system established by a third party. They shall inform the economic operators concerned thereof.
In order to set up a qualification system, the contracting entity shall publish a notice of the existence of such a system under the conditions laid down in Articles R. 2131-19 and R. 2131-20. This notice shall mention its purpose, its duration and the procedures for accessing the rules governing it. It shall be drawn up in accordance with the model set out in the European Commission regulation establishing standard…
The contracting entity shall notify the Publications Office of the European Union of any change in the duration of the system using:1° A notice of the existence of a qualification system when its period of validity is changed without it being terminated;2° An award notice when the system is terminated.
The qualification system may comprise several qualification stages. The contracting entity shall establish objective rules and criteria for the exclusion and selection of economic operators requesting qualification and objective rules and criteria for the operation of the qualification system, covering aspects such as registration in the system, periodic updating of qualifications and the duration of the system. These criteria may include the ability of applicants to comply with the technical…
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