Article R2162-41 of the French Public procurement code
The purchaser shall provide free, direct and full electronic access to the consultation documents throughout the period of validity of the system.
The purchaser shall provide free, direct and full electronic access to the consultation documents throughout the period of validity of the system.
The purchaser shall specify in the consultation documents the nature of the purchases envisaged and their estimated quantity, as well as all the necessary information concerning the dynamic purchasing system, including its possible subdivision into categories of products, services or works and the characteristics of these categories, the system’s operating procedures, the electronic equipment used and the technical connection arrangements and specifications.
Any economic operator may request to participate in the dynamic purchasing system during its period of validity.
The minimum time limit for receipt of applications shall be thirty days from the date on which the contract notice is sent or, where the call for competition is made by means of a prior information notice or a periodic indicative notice, from the date on which the invitation to confirm interest is sent.After the invitation to tender has been sent for the first specific contract under the dynamic purchasing…
The purchaser shall evaluate the applications within ten working days of their receipt.This period may be extended to fifteen working days where this is justified, in particular because it is necessary to examine additional documents or to verify in some other way whether the selection criteria have been met.The purchaser may extend the period for evaluating applications as long as the invitation to tender for the first specific contract has…
Candidates who meet the selection criteria are admitted to the system. Their number is not limited.The purchaser informs the candidates as soon as possible.
At any time during the period of validity of the dynamic purchasing system, the purchaser may ask admitted candidates to update their application file, within a period of five working days from the date on which this request is sent.
No costs may be charged before or during the period of validity of the dynamic purchasing system to economic operators interested in or participating in the dynamic purchasing system.
In order to award a specific contract, the purchaser shall invite all candidates admitted to the dynamic purchasing system to submit a tender under the conditions set out in Articles R. 2144-8 and R. 2144-9. Where the system is subdivided into categories of products, services or works, the purchaser shall invite all candidates admitted for the category corresponding to the specific contract concerned.
The minimum time-limit for receipt of tenders shall be ten days from the date on which the invitation to tender is sent.However, contracting authorities other than the central public authorities listed in the notice annexed to this Code and contracting entities may set the time-limit for receipt of tenders by mutual agreement with the candidates invited to tender, provided that this date is the same for all.In the absence of…
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