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Article L123-48 of the French Commercial code

Information entries and filings of documents in the national register of companies requested in connection with applications for registration, amending entries and deregistrations, are validated, for the natural persons mentioned in article L. 311-2 du code rural et de la pêche maritime, par la caisse départementale ou pluridépartementale de mutualité sociale agricole compétente.

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Article L123-49 of the French Commercial code

A person who has fully complied with the validations and checks carried out pursuant to article L. 123-48 is registered in the national register of companies as a “company run by a farm worker”, without this exempting it, where applicable, from registration in the trade and companies register. Information to the effect that a natural person, registered in the national register of companies, as a sole trader or as the…

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Article L123-50 of the French Commercial code

The National Register of Companies is kept by the National Institute of Industrial Property. The entries of information or the filings of documents annexed to the national register of companies referred to in Article L. 123-37 are carried out through the intermediary of the single body mentioned in article L. 123-33 and under the conditions set out in the same article, on the occasion : 1° Either a declaration or…

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Article L123-51 of the French Commercial code

The national register of companies is set up in digital format. It contains the digital files of registered companies and, within each file, all the information and documents that have been the subject of a registration or filing, as well as the dates of these events. Supporting documents transmitted in digital form in support of declarations and filings are retained by the registrar.

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Article L123-52 of the French Commercial code

All the information entered and documents attached to the national register of companies, with the exception of accounting documents covered by a declaration of confidentiality, will be made available to the public free of charge and in electronic form, for consultation or re-use. The availability of information relating to the identity and domicile of natural persons entered in the register is limited to the name, surname, pseudonym, first names, month,…

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Article L123-53 of the French Commercial code

Unrestricted access is granted to all the information and attachments contained in the register, as well as to the supporting documents kept: 1° Registered persons for data concerning them; > The following authorities for data concerning them 2° The following authorities as part of their duties: > a) The judicial authorities a) The judicial authorities; > b) The national financial intelligence unit b) The national financial intelligence unit referred to…

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Article L123-54 of the French Commercial code

I.-The registration of information or the filing of documents in the national register of companies is subject to the payment of fees. II.-The persons mentioned in 1° of article L. 123-36 pay a fee, the scale of which is determined by decree, of up to €10, for additional and amending registrations, the filing of annual accounts and the filing of amending deeds. The amount of the fees paid is allocated…

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Article L123-55 of the French Commercial code

Where the challenge to the decision relating to the entry of information or the filing of documents in the national register of companies relates to the validation or control of an authority mentioned in sub-section 2 of this section, only the decision of that authority may be challenged before the court with jurisdiction to hear such disputes. The decision of the competent court is enforceable by operation of law against…

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Article L123-56 of the French Commercial code

For the application of this section in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle, the powers devolved to the presidents and staff of the regional chambers of trade and craft are exercised by the president and staff of the chambers of trade governed by articles 103 et seq. of the local professional code of 26 July 1900 for Alsace and Moselle. For the application of this section in the departments…

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