Article R2224-21 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Municipal drinking water supplies ensure compliance with the requirements set by article R. 1321-2 of the public health code for water intended for human consumption.
Municipal drinking water supplies ensure compliance with the requirements set by article R. 1321-2 of the public health code for water intended for human consumption.
Any abstraction device, well or borehole, the construction of which is planned to obtain water intended for domestic use within the meaning of article R. 214-5 du code de l’environnement, shall be declared to the mayor of the commune in whose territory this work is planned, no later than one month before the start of the work. The declaration shall be made by the owner of the work or, if…
The declarant completes the declaration within one month of completion of the work by notifying the mayor: 1° The date on which the work was completed; 2° Any changes made to any of the elements of the initial declaration; 3° A water quality analysis when the water is intended for human consumption, within the meaning of article R. 1321-1 of the Public Health Code. The sampling and analysis are carried…
The mayor shall acknowledge receipt, including by electronic means, of the initial declaration and the information supplementing it as soon as possible and no later than one month after the date of receipt. The mayor who registers this declaration and this information in the database set up for this purpose by the ministry responsible for ecology is deemed to have discharged the obligation to make it available which is imposed…
The inspection provided for by Article L. 2224-12 includes in particular: 1° An examination of the visible parts of the water abstraction device, well or borehole, in particular the protection and metering systems; 2° An assessment of the uses to which the water is put or may be put from this structure; 3° Verification that the distribution network for water from another resource is not connected to the public drinking…
The drinking water service regulations organise the procedures for carrying out the inspection provided for by Article L. 2224-12, in compliance with the rules set out in this article. The service responsible for the inspection informs the subscriber of the date of the inspection no later than seven working days before it takes place. Only agents appointed by the head of the service are authorised to carry out inspections. The…
When it appears that the protection of the public drinking water distribution network against any risk of pollution is not guaranteed by the structure or internal installations inspected, the inspection report sets out the nature of the risks observed and sets out the measures to be taken by the customer within a specified period. In this case, the inspection report is also sent to the mayor of the municipality concerned….
Before 1st April each year, the department sends the mayor a report on the inspections carried out in the municipality during the previous year.
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: 1° “Waste”: any waste as defined in Article L. 541-1-1 of the Environment Code; 2° “Household waste”: household waste as defined in article R. 541-8 of the Environment Code; 3°”Assimilated waste”: waste collected by the public waste management service whose producer is not a household; 4°”Residual household waste”: household waste and assimilated waste collected as a mixture; 5°”Bio-waste”: bio-waste…
I. – In built-up areas with more than 2,000 permanent inhabitants, whether they are included in one or more communes, residual household waste is collected at least once a week door-to-door. II. – In other areas, residual household waste is collected at least once every fortnight door-to-door. III. – In tourist communes within the meaning of article L. 133-11 du code du tourisme and during tourist periods in built-up areas…
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