Article R4152-21 of the French Labour Code
The breastfeeding room is staffed exclusively by a sufficient number of qualified personnel. These staff keep themselves in a state of rigorous cleanliness.
The breastfeeding room is staffed exclusively by a sufficient number of qualified personnel. These staff keep themselves in a state of rigorous cleanliness.
The following records are kept: 1° A register in which the surname, first names and date of birth of each child, the name, address and profession of the mother, the date of admission, the vaccination record and the child’s condition at the time of admission and, if applicable, at the time of readmission are recorded; 2° A register in which the children present each day are recorded by name.
The breastfeeding room is supervised by a doctor appointed by the employer. The employer shall make the name and address of this doctor available to the Labour Inspectorate. The doctor will visit the premises at least once a week. He shall record his observations in the register provided for in 2° of Article R. 4152-22. Internal regulations signed by the doctor are displayed at the entrance to the premises.
The breastfeeding room is equipped with reheating facilities. These comply with the regulatory requirements for establishments and services for children under the age of six.
Measures are taken to ensure that no one who could be a source of contamination has access to the breastfeeding room.
No one should spend the night in the breastfeeding room where the children spend the day.
The water in the breastfeeding room is temperature-controlled. Appropriate cleaning and drying facilities are provided. Equipment and belongings are kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness at all times.
The remuneration of the doctor and the staff of the breastfeeding room, as well as the supply and maintenance of the equipment and effects listed in articles R. 4152-20 and R. 4152-27, are the responsibility of the employer. No contribution may be claimed from mothers whose children attend the premises.
It is forbidden to assign or maintain pregnant women in workplaces where the relative pressure exceeds 100 hectopascals.
The provisions of this sub-section apply to minors aged between fourteen and sixteen who may work during the school holidays in application of article L. 4153-3.
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