Article 220 K of the French General Tax Code
The tax credit defined in article 244 quater J is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the company under the conditions set out in article 199 ter I.
The tax credit defined in article 244 quater J is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the company under the conditions set out in article 199 ter I.
When the company’s financial year coincides with the calendar year, the tax credit defined in article 244 quater L is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company in respect of the financial year during which it complied with the conditions set out in this article. If the financial year ends during the year, the tax credit is deducted from the corporation tax due in respect of the financial…
The tax credit defined in article 244 quater M is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the company under the conditions set out in article 199 ter L.
The tax credit defined in article 244 quater O is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the company under the conditions set out in article 199 ter N.
The tax credit defined in article 220 octies is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the company in respect of the financial year during which the expenses defined in III of the same article were incurred. If the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax due in respect of the said financial year, the excess is refunded. The excess tax credit constitutes a claim on the State for…
The tax credit defined in article 220 septdecies is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company for the financial year during which the expenses defined in III of the same article 220 septdecies were incurred. If the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax due in respect of that financial year, the excess is refunded. The excess tax credit is deducted from the corporation tax due by…
The tax credit defined in article 220 nonies is deducted from the corporation tax payable by the new company in respect of the financial years during which the loan interest was booked. Loan interest includes interest payable on loans taken out by the new company with a view to the buyout. Any surplus is reimbursed.
The tax credit defined in article 220 quindecies is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company in respect of the financial year during which the expenses defined in III of the same article 220 quindecies were incurred. If the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax due in respect of the said financial year, the excess is refunded. The excess tax credit constitutes a claim on the…
The tax credit defined in article 220 sexdecies is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company for the financial year during which the expenses defined in III of the same article 220 sexdecies were incurred. If the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax due in respect of that financial year, the excess is refunded. The excess tax credit is deducted from the corporation tax due by…
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