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Article L2315-64 of the French Labour Code

I.-The Social and Economic Committee is subject to the accounting obligations defined inarticle L. 123-12 of the French Commercial Code. Its annual accounts are drawn up in accordance with the procedures defined by a regulation of the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables). II -A social and economic committee whose number of employees, annual resources and balance sheet total at the end of a financial year do not…

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Article L2315-65 of the French Labour Code

By way of derogation from article L. 2315-64, a social and economic committee whose annual resources do not exceed a threshold set by decree may fulfil its accounting obligations by keeping a book showing in chronological order the amounts and origin of the expenditure it incurs and the income it receives and by drawing up, once a year, a simplified summary statement providing additional information relating to its assets and…

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Article L2315-66 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee provides information on the significant transactions it has carried out. This information is provided in the notes to its accounts, in the case of a social and economic committee governed by Article L. 2315-64, or in the report mentioned in Article L. 2315-69, in the case of a social and economic committee governed by Article L. 2315-65.

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Article L2315-67 of the French Labour Code

When the group formed by the social and economic committee and the entities it controls, within the meaning ofarticle L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code, exceeds, for at least two of the three criteria mentioned in II of article L. 2315-64 of this code, thresholds set by decree, the social and economic committee draws up consolidated accounts, under the conditions set out inarticle L. 233-18 of the French Commercial…

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Article L2315-68 of the French Labour Code

The annual accounts of the Social and Economic Committee are drawn up, in accordance with the procedures laid down in its internal regulations, by elected members of the Social and Economic Committee appointed by it from among its elected members. The documents drawn up in this way are made available, where applicable, to the statutory auditor(s) referred to in Article L. 2315-73. They are approved by the elected members of…

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Article L2315-69 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee draws up, in accordance with the procedures set out in its internal regulations, a report presenting qualitative information on its activities and financial management, in order to help the elected members of the committee and the company’s employees to analyse the accounts. Where the social and economic committee draws up consolidated accounts, the report covers the whole of the social and economic committee and the…

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Article L2315-70 of the French Labour Code

The treasurer of the social and economic committee or, where applicable, the auditor, presents a report on the agreements entered into, directly, indirectly or through an intermediary, between the social and economic committee and one of its members. This report is presented to the elected members of the social and economic committee at the plenary meeting referred to in the third paragraph of article L. 2315-68.

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Article L2315-71 of the French Labour Code

No later than three days before the plenary meeting referred to in the third paragraph of Article L. 2315-68, the members of the social and economic committee responsible for drawing up the committee’s accounts send the members of the social and economic committee the annual accounts or, where applicable, the documents referred to in Article L. 2315-65, together with the report referred to in Article L. 2315-69.

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Article L2315-72 of the French Labour Code

The social and economic committee informs the company’s employees, by any means, of its annual accounts or, where applicable, the documents mentioned in article L. 2315-65, together with the report mentioned in article L. 2315-69.

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Article L2315-73 of the French Labour Code

Where the social and economic committee exceeds the thresholds set by decree for at least two of the three criteria mentioned in II of article L. 2315-64, it is required to appoint at least one statutory auditor and one alternate, separate from those of the company. The social and economic committee required to draw up consolidated accounts appoints two statutory auditors pursuant toarticle L. 823-2 of the French Commercial Code….

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