Article R1262-19 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of articles R. 4231-1 to R. 4231-4, R. 8281-1 to R. 8281-4 and R. 8282-1 are applicable to employees seconded to France.
The provisions of articles R. 4231-1 to R. 4231-4, R. 8281-1 to R. 8281-4 and R. 8282-1 are applicable to employees seconded to France.
I.-The employer established outside France shall keep a record of the documents mentioned in this article at the place of work of the employee seconded to the national territory or, if this is not physically possible, at any other place accessible to his representative appointed in application of article L. 1262-2-1 and shall present them without delay at the request of the labour inspectorate of the place where the service…
I.- By way of derogation from the provisions of I of article R. 1263-1, an employer established outside France who posts one or more employees under the conditions and for the activities provided for in article L. 1262-6 has a period of time, which may not exceed fifteen days, in which to submit the documents listed in article R. 1263-1. II – The employer established outside France who posts one…
The documents mentioned in article R. 1263-1 shall be translated into French. For companies that are not established in a Member State of the European Union whose currency is the euro, the amounts are converted into euros.
The company’s representative on the national territory mentioned in II of article L. 1262-2-1 carries out on behalf of the employer the obligations incumbent upon him pursuant to article R. 1263-1. This representative is designated in the posting declaration provided for in I of article L. 1262-2-1. It covers the entire period during which the employees are seconded to France.
An employer who posts one or more employees, under the conditions set out in 1° of article L. 1262-1, must submit a declaration containing the following information: 1° The name or business name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment that usually employs the employee or employees, the legal form of the company, its individual tax identification number for the purposes…
Employers who post one or more employees, under the conditions set out in 2° of article L. 1262-1, must submit a declaration containing the following information: 1° The name or business name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment that usually employs the employee(s), the legal form of the company, its individual tax identification number for the purposes of liability to…
The posting declaration provided for in articles R. 1263-3 and R. 1263-4 is sent, using the “SIPSI” tele-service, to the departmental unit mentioned in article R. 8122-2 within whose jurisdiction the service is provided. When the service is provided in other places, the posting declaration is sent, using the “SIPSI” teleservice, to the departmental unit within whose jurisdiction the first place where the service is provided is located.
The secondment declaration provided for in articles R. 1263-3 and R. 1263-4, the model for which is set by order of the Minister responsible for labour, must be completed in French before the secondment begins, using the “SIPSI” tele-service of the Ministry responsible for labour (sipsi. travail. gouv. fr). It replaces all the declaration obligations provided for in the present code, with the exception of those provided for in this…
Temporary employment undertakings that post an employee to French territory, under the conditions set out in article L. 1262-2, must submit a declaration containing the following information: 1° The name or business name, postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the temporary employment undertaking, the legal form of the undertaking, its individual tax identification number for the purposes of liability to value added tax or, in the absence of…
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