Article D4622-38 of the French Labour Code
The term of office for members of the Control Committee is four years.
The term of office for members of the Control Committee is four years.
Within three months of their appointment, the members of the inspection committee receive the training they need to carry out their duties, from the body of their choice. This training is paid for by the occupational health and safety department. If their term of office is renewed and they have been in office for three consecutive or non-consecutive years, the members of the Control Committee are entitled, under the same…
The committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure, which shall specify in particular: 1° The number of meetings the committee is to hold each year; 2° The possibility of extraordinary meetings and the procedures for such meetings; 3° The procedures for the appointment of the committee secretary by the employers’ representatives from among their number; 4° The conditions for drawing up the agenda for each meeting.
The agenda for Audit Committee meetings is drawn up by the Committee Chairman and Secretary. It is sent by the chairman to the members of the committee at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting, together with the relevant documents. This deadline is extended to ten days in the event of an occupational health physician being laid off, as part of the procedure provided for in the fourth…
The minutes of each meeting, co-signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Committee, are made available to the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment within one month of the date of the meeting.
Employed members of the Control Committee are fully compensated by their employer for any loss of remuneration resulting from the exercise of their mandate. This compensation takes into account travel time and transport costs. The inter-company occupational health and prevention service reimburses the employer for the expenses incurred.
The multi-year contract of objectives and resources referred to in article L. 4622-10 is concluded between each approved occupational health and prevention service on the one hand, and the regional director of companies, competition, consumption, work and employment and the prevention bodies of the social security funds on the other hand, after obtaining the opinion of the regional standing advisory group on working conditions.
The multi-annual contract defines actions aimed at : 1° Implementing the action priorities of the multi-annual service plan provided for in Article L. 4622-14 and encouraging the emergence of good practices; 2° Improve the individual and collective quality of occupational risk prevention and working conditions; 3° Implement the regional occupational health objectives defined in the regional occupational health plans; 4° Promote a collective and concerted approach and actions in the…
The multi-year contract sets out the resources mobilised by the parties, the programme of actions and the terms of collaboration to achieve quantified objectives. It also sets out the procedures for monitoring, controlling and evaluating results, using quantitative and qualitative indicators.
The multi-year contract is concluded for a maximum of five years. It may be revised by means of amendments.
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