Article R5522-81 of the French Labour Code
Approval is granted by the Prefect for a renewable period of between one and three years.
Approval is granted by the Prefect for a renewable period of between one and three years.
An order by the ministers responsible for employment and overseas departments and territories specifies the composition of the application, the submission procedures and the conditions for approval.
For the application of article R. 5141-7 in Mayotte, in 5°, the words: “in 4° to 9° of article L. 5141-1” are replaced by the words: “in 4° to 8° of article L. 5141-1”.
For the application of article R. 5142-3 in Mayotte, the words: “within the meaning of article L. 242-1 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “within the meaning of article 28-1 of order no. 96-1122 of 20 December 1996 relating to the improvement of public health, to sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance, to the financing of social security in Mayotte and to the Mayotte social security…
For the application of article R. 5112-17 in Mayotte, the words: “the Departmental Director of Health and Social Affairs” are replaced by the words: “the Director of Immigration, Integration and Citizenship”.
A specific rate of partial activity allowance may be set in Mayotte under the conditions set out inarticle R. 5122-12 of the Labour Code.
For the application in Mayotte of the provisions of article D. 5122-13, the hourly rate of the partial activity allowance may not be less than 7.09 euros. If the employee receives remuneration determined as a percentage of the minimum inter-professional growth wage applicable in Mayotte and a collective agreement or branch or company agreement does not apply, the hourly rate of the partial activity allowance is capped at the employee’s…
For the application of article R. 5123-17 in Mayotte, the words: “in 1° of article L. 351-8 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “in the second paragraph of article 6 of order no. 2002-411 of 27 March 2002 relating to health and social protection in Mayotte”.
For the application of article R. 5123-29 in Mayotte: 1° 6° is repealed; 2° The words: “of article R. 351-27 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “of article 12 of order no. 2002-411 of 27 March 2002 relating to health and social protection in Mayotte”.
For the application of article R. 5123-31 in Mayotte, the second paragraph reads as follows: “The allowance ceases to be paid when, from the age stipulated in article 2 of order no. 2002-411 of 27 March 2002 relating to health and social protection in Mayotte, the beneficiaries meet the conditions required to validate a full-rate pension within the meaning of article 10 of decree no. 2003-589 of 1 July 2003…
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