Article A444-31 of the French Commercial code
The recovery or collection service listed under number 128 of table 3-1 gives rise to the collection, of an emolument set as follows:
The recovery or collection service listed under number 128 of table 3-1 gives rise to the collection, of an emolument set as follows:
The recovery or collection service listed under number 129 of Table 3-1 gives rise to the collection of a fee set as follows:
The drawing up of a report stating that the addressee of the service is without known address, residence or place of work, in accordance with the provisions of article 659 of the code of civil procedure, appearing at number 130 in table 3-1, shall give rise to the collection of a fee of €14.90.
The services listed under numbers 131 to 134 of table 3-2 give rise to the collection of the following fees: Number of the service (table 3-2 of article appendix 4-7) Description of the service Fee 131 Service 503 cpc-recall of art. 797 cpc 25.53 € 132 Service of order made on request-art 167 law 1st June 1924 (and 950 cpc) 25.53 € 133 Service of a tax order 25.53 134…
If, from the time of the customer’s request, the services referred to in article A. 444-34 are provided in less than 24 hours, they give rise to the collection of an increased fee under the conditions set out in article A. 444-12.
The services listed under numbers 135,137 and 141 of table 3-2 give rise to the collection of the following fees: Number of the service (table 3-2 of article appendix 4-7) Description of service Fee 135 Formal notice to regularise the sale 20.21 € 137 Order for payment before forced execution on immovable property 63.84 € 141 Meaning of specifications 26.60 €
The right to institute proceedings provided for in article A. 444-15 the services listed under the following numbers in table 3-2: 1° Number 135 (formal notice to regularise the sale); 2° Number 137 (summons to pay before execution on real estate).
The services listed under the following numbers in Table 3-2 give rise to the collection of fees equal to six tenths of the fixed and proportional fees, and the graduated fee, calculated pursuant to the a of article 34 of decree no. 47-817 of 9 May 1947 relating to the fees and emoluments of solicitors practising in the Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin and Moselle departments : 1° Number 136 (application for registration…
The services listed under numbers 143 to 145,146 and 149 of table 3-2 give rise to the collection of the following fees: Number of the service (table 3-2 of article appendix 4-7) Description of the service Fee 143 Summons to pay or surrender-art 142 law of 1/06/1924 20.21 € 144 Service of minutes of debates-art 147 law of 1/06/1924 25.53 € 145 Convocation-art 147 law of 1/06/1924 25.53 € 146…
If, from the customer’s request, they are effected within less than 24 hours, the service and summonses mentioned in article A. 444-39 (numbers 144 to 146 of table 3-2) shall give rise to the collection of an increased fee under the conditions set out in article A. 444-12.
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