Article R1322-57 of the French Public Health Code
Waste water must be disposed of in accordance with hygiene regulations. Toilets and WCs must be sufficient in number, well-ventilated and ventilated.
Waste water must be disposed of in accordance with hygiene regulations. Toilets and WCs must be sufficient in number, well-ventilated and ventilated.
To combat the risk of fire, the spa establishment must have : 1° Water stations ; 2° Sufficient fire extinguishers; 3° A rapid call system to the nearest fire station. The construction and layout of the premises must allow for rapid evacuation in the event of a fire.
Every spa must have a telephone. Addresses and telephone numbers that may be needed in an emergency are prominently displayed near the equipment.
Each spa establishment must possess and maintain in perfect working order the installations and equipment corresponding to the medical indications of the spa. The size of this equipment is proportional to the number of clients attending the establishment. Spa establishments with several classes must have, in each of these classes, all the installations necessary for the complete execution of the cure, as well as all the material and equipment allowing…
Transport must be provided for patients who are unable to travel. Each person taking the waters must have a medical record showing the examinations carried out and treatments prescribed. These records, which are regularly updated, are kept in a locked cabinet. Only medical staff are authorised to consult them.
A doctor must be attached to each spa establishment as director or technical advisor. Failing this, and on a temporary basis, a doctor practising at the spa must be responsible for the medical supervision of the establishment. At least one nurse must be permanently on duty at the establishment during cure hours. Inspectors or qualified supervisors responsible for ensuring the correct application of the prescribed treatments must be assigned to…
Before taking up their duties, all members of staff must undergo a general medical examination comprising in particular : – a chest x-ray or radiophotograph, unless an x-ray less than two months old can be provided ; – a tuberculin skin test. In addition, employees are required to undergo a clinical examination every year, following which the occupational physician may prescribe any further investigations he deems necessary.
Each spa establishment must draw up and keep up to date a file for each patient. This record must indicate the financial conditions under which treatments are provided.
A spa providing functional re-education of the musculoskeletal system during thermal cures can only be approved if, in addition to the above conditions common to all private spas, it meets the condition of belonging to a spa specialising in musculoskeletal disorders.
As far as the premises and equipment are concerned, the spa establishment must include : 1° Essentially, a kinesiobalneotherapy department whose treatment stations must be equipped with conventional means allowing mobilisation under water. To this service must be added : a) Undressing cubicles, including some for patients lying down; b) Bathrobe drying facilities; c) Rooms with sufficient capacity to ensure that each patient being treated can rest for a suitable…
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