Article L4221-16-2 of the French Public Health Code
Where it is available, the certified information referred to in Article L. 4221-16-1 shall serve as supporting documents for the fulfilment of the obligations laid down in Article L. 4221-16.
Where it is available, the certified information referred to in Article L. 4221-16-1 shall serve as supporting documents for the fulfilment of the obligations laid down in Article L. 4221-16.
In urgent cases, where a pharmacist’s continued practice exposes patients to serious danger, the Director General of the regional health agency responsible for the pharmacist’s place of practice shall immediately suspend the right to practise for a maximum period of five months. The Director General will hear the professional concerned within three days of the suspension decision. The Director General of the Regional Health Agency responsible for the professional’s place…
In addition to the company’s articles of association and any amendments thereto, pharmacists practising within a company must forward to the council of the professional body to which they belong any agreements or amendments relating to its operation, or to the relationship between partners and, where they exist, between partners and parties involved in financing the pharmacy or medical biology laboratory. These documents must be communicated within one month of…
The following are determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat: 1° The time limit within which the committee referred to in article L. 4221-12 must issue an opinion ; 2° The composition and operation of the commission referred to in articles L. 4221-14-1 and L. 4221-14-2 and the conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure; 3° The procedures for applying the obligation to transmit the…
In each region, pharmacists who run an open pharmacy are entered on a register drawn up and kept up to date by the regional council of the order of dispensing pharmacists. This register is forwarded to government departments and made available to the public under conditions set by decree.
Applications for entry on the roll are sent by the interested parties to the competent regional council of the ordre. They must be accompanied by a dossier, the composition of which is laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. In the event of cessation or modification of the professional activity or change of address of the establishment, a declaration, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, is sent within fifteen…
The regional council of section A or the central council of section B, C, D, E, G or H decides on the application for inclusion on the roll within a maximum of three months from receipt of the application accompanied by a complete file. In the case of third-country nationals, the time limit is extended to six months if an investigation outside mainland France is required. The person concerned will…
After examining the applicant’s qualifications, the Regional Council of Section A or the Central Council of Section B, C, D, E, G or H of the Association either grants entry on the roll or, if the guarantees of competence, good character and professional independence or the conditions provided for by law are not met, refuses entry by a reasoned written decision. The interested party will be notified of the decision…
The Conseil national de l’ordre des pharmaciens (National Council of the Order of Pharmacists) will rule on appeals against decisions by the regional councils of section A and the central councils of sections B, C, D, E, G and H concerning registration within three months of the date on which the appeal was lodged.
A pharmacist applying for inclusion on a roll must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of the French language. In case of doubt, the president of the regional or central council of the ordre or his representative may hear the interested party. A check may be carried out by the competent administrative authority at the request of the Association’s Council or the person concerned. Checks on language proficiency must be proportionate…
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