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Article 1394 B of the French General Tax Code

Non-built properties classified in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth categories defined in article 18 of the ministerial instruction of 31 December 1908, not exempt pursuant to articles 1395 à 1395 B and which are located in Corsica are, for 1995 and subsequent years, fully exempt from property tax on undeveloped properties levied for the benefit of the communes and their groupings.

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Article 1394 B bis of the French General Tax Code

I. – Non-built properties classified in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth categories defined in article 18 of the ministerial instruction of 31 December 1908 are exempt from property tax on non-built properties levied for the benefit of municipalities and their public establishments for inter-communal cooperation up to 20%. II. – The provisions of I do not apply to undeveloped properties that benefit from the total…

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Article 1394 C of the French General Tax Code

Municipal councils and the deliberative bodies of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax status may, by a decision taken under the conditions provided for in I of Article 1639 A bis, exempt land, whether agricultural or not, planted with olive trees from property tax on undeveloped property (1). To benefit from this exemption, the owner must make a declaration to the tax department before 1 January of…

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Article 1394 D of the French General Tax Code

Municipal councils and the deliberative bodies of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax status may, by deliberation taken under the conditions provided for in I of article 1639 A bis of this code, exempt from property tax on undeveloped properties, for their share, for the entire duration of the contract, undeveloped properties whose owner has entered into a contract mentioned in article L. To benefit from this…

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Article 1395 of the French General Tax Code

The following are exempt from property tax on undeveloped properties: 1° Land sown, planted or replanted with woodland, for the first thirty years of sowing, planting or replanting. From 1 January of the year following the promulgation of Act no. 2001-602 du 9 juillet 2001 d’orientation sur la forêt, this exemption period is reduced to ten years for poplar plantations and increased to fifty years for hardwoods and woods other…

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Article 1395 A of the French General Tax Code

Municipal councils and the deliberative bodies of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax status may exempt, each for its own share, newly planted walnut-tree land from property tax on undeveloped property. This exemption may not exceed eight years and the deliberation must take place no later than 1st October of the previous year. >This exemption may not exceed eight years and the deliberation must take place no…

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Article 1395 A bis of the French General Tax Code

From 1 January 2012, municipal councils and the deliberative bodies of local authority groupings with their own tax status may exempt orchards, fruit crops of trees and shrubs and vines, each for its own share, from property tax on non-built-up properties. This exemption may not exceed eight years and applies after the other exemptions from property tax on non-built-up properties pursuant to this code. The decision to institute the exemption…

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Article 1395 A ter of the French General Tax Code

In French Guiana, municipal councils and the deliberative bodies of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax status may, by a decision taken under the conditions provided for in I of article 1639 A bis, exempt from property tax on undeveloped properties the woods and forests mentioned in 1° of I of Article L. 211-1 of the Forestry Code. To benefit from this exemption, the Office National des…

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Article 1395 B of the French General Tax Code

I. – Land planted with truffle trees is, with effect from 1 January 1991, exempt from property tax on undeveloped property for the fifteen years following the year in which it was planted, by decision of the departmental and regional councils, in respect of the share allocated respectively to each of the communities concerned. To benefit from this exemption, before 1 January of the year in respect of which the…

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Article 1395 B bis of the French General Tax Code

I. – Non-built properties classified in the second and sixth categories defined in article 18 of the ministerial instruction of 31 December 1908 and located in the wetlands defined in 1° of I of article L. 211-1 of the Environment Code are exempt from property tax on undeveloped land levied for the benefit of municipalities and their public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation up to a limit of 50% when they…

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