Article R1322-21 of the French Public Health Code
The Prefect forwards the file, together with all the opinions received, to the Regional Prefect.
The Prefect forwards the file, together with all the opinions received, to the Regional Prefect.
The Regional Prefect decides on the application for a declaration of public interest for a natural mineral water spring and the assignment of a protection perimeter. Where the protective perimeter is located in the territory of different regions, the regional prefect who decides on the application is that of the region in whose jurisdiction the spring is exploited. If the application remains unanswered for more than six months, it will…
The application for prior authorisation provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 1322-4 to carry out a borehole or underground work within the protection perimeter and the application to occupy a plot of land provided for in article L. 1322-10 are sent to the Prefect. The content of the file, which includes a description of the planned works, is defined by order of the Minister for Health.
The Prefect, after obtaining the opinion of the hydrogéologue agréé en matière d’hygiène publique under the conditions provided for in article R. 1321-14, specially appointed for this purpose, submits a summary report drawn up by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency and a reasoned draft order to the Conseil départemental de l’environnement et des risques sanitaires et technologiques for its opinion. The Prefect sends the draft order to…
When a request is made to the Prefect by the owner of a natural mineral water spring, in application ofarticle L. 1322-5, to prohibit work undertaken within the protection perimeter, the Prefect will have the risks of alteration or reduction of the spring assessed by the hydrogeologist approved for public hygiene under the conditions set out inarticle R. 1321-14, specially appointed for this purpose by the Director General of the…
In the presence of the interested parties, tracing, gauging and any other investigations deemed useful to establish the influence of the work that gave rise to the request for prohibition on the hydrogeological regime of the spring and on the composition of its water shall be carried out. A detailed report is drawn up and signed jointly by the parties. The Prefect decides in accordance with the provisions of article…
The provisions of article R. 1322-26 are applied in cases where the owner of a natural mineral water spring declared to be in the public interest asks the Prefect to provisionally order, in application of article L. 1322-6, the suspension of drilling or underground work undertaken outside the protection perimeter and which he indicates is likely to alter or reduce the flow of the spring. If the Prefect remains silent…
The installations intended for the exploitation of natural mineral water are designed, constructed and maintained in such a way as to avoid any possibility of contamination or modification of the essential characteristics of the water as it emerges. They include suitable devices for monitoring the quantity and quality of the water, on a permanent and recorded basis. Operating conditions must meet hygiene requirements and must not be harmful to health.
The operator shall ensure that all stages of the production and distribution of natural mineral water under his responsibility comply with hygiene rules. He applies permanent hazard analysis and critical control point procedures based on the following principles: 1° Identify any hazard that needs to be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level; 2° Identify the critical points at which monitoring is essential to prevent or eliminate a hazard…
The operator sends the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, who informs the Prefect as necessary, an annual summary report including, in particular, a table of analysis results and any information on the quality of the natural mineral water and on the operation of the operating system, in particular monitoring, works and malfunctions. It also indicates the changes to the monitoring procedures, mentioned inarticle R. 1322-29, planned for the…
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