Article R4624-38 of the French Labour Code
In the event of disagreement between the employer and the company doctor over the nature and frequency of these examinations, the decision is taken by the company doctor.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter IV: Actions and resources of the members of the multidisciplinary occupational health team | Section 2: Individual monitoring of workers' state of health | Page 4
In the event of disagreement between the employer and the company doctor over the nature and frequency of these examinations, the decision is taken by the company doctor.
The time required for medical visits and examinations, including additional examinations, is either taken from the employees’ working hours without any deduction in salary, or paid as actual working time when these examinations cannot take place during working hours. The time and transport costs required for these visits and examinations are paid for by the employer.
In establishments with 200 or more employees, individual monitoring may be carried out at the establishment.
An order by the Minister responsible for labour determines the characteristics to be met by fixed or mobile visit and examination centres and their equipment, depending on the size of the occupational health and prevention service. This order specifies the minimum equipment required by the occupational physician, the medical assistant, the intern or the nurse to carry out their duties.
Visits and examinations carried out as part of the individual monitoring of the worker’s state of health may be carried out remotely, by video transmission, in compliance with the conditions laid down in Title VII of Book IV of Part One of the Public Health Code, by the health professionals mentioned in I of Article L. 4624-1 of this Code, at their own initiative or that of the worker.
The appropriateness of carrying out a remote visit or examination, including when requested by the worker, is assessed by the occupational health and prevention service health professional in charge of monitoring the worker’s state of health. If, during a visit or examination carried out remotely, the health professional establishes that a physical consultation with the worker or that specific equipment not available at the worker’s premises is necessary, a new…
Each remote visit or examination is carried out under conditions that guarantee: 1° The worker’s consent to the procedure being carried out by videotransmission; 2° Where applicable, the worker’s consent to the participation in this visit or examination of his general practitioner or a health professional of his choice and the worker’s information about the conditions, provided for in Article R. 4624-41-6, under which this participation is reimbursed by the…
The healthcare professional shall ensure that the videotaped visit or examination can be carried out under satisfactory sound and visual conditions that guarantee the confidentiality of the exchanges. When the videotaped visit or examination is carried out at the workplace, the employer will, if necessary, provide the worker with a suitable room where the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph can be met.
Occupational health and prevention services shall ensure that health professionals using telehealth systems have the requisite training and technical skills. In inter-company occupational health and prevention services, remote visits or examinations are carried out in accordance with the multi-annual service project.
The fees and methods of remuneration for the attending doctor or the health professional chosen by the worker to take part in the visit or examination carried out remotely in application of II of article L. 4624-1, as well as the methods of reimbursement by the health insurance scheme for these services, are those applied by the Social Security Code to telemedicine acts or telecare activities carried out by these…
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