Article L936-4 of the French Commercial code
The third paragraph of article L. 612-1 is deleted.
The third paragraph of article L. 612-1 is deleted.
In article L. 625-2, the words: “referred to in article L. 432-7 of the Labour Code” are replaced by the words: “with regard to information of a confidential nature and given as such”.
For the application of article L. 622-24, the bodies referred to in Article L. 351-21 of the Labour Code are the New Caledonian bodies responsible for providing unemployment insurance benefits and collecting contributions.
For the application of articles L. 622-24, L. 622-26, L. 625-4, L. 626-5, L. 626-20, L. 631-18, L. 641-14 and L. 662-4, the institutions mentioned in article L. 143-11-4 of the Labour Code are the New Caledonian institutions responsible for implementing the insurance scheme against the risk of non-payment of wages, in the event of receivership or liquidation proceedings.
For the application of Article L. 611-7, L. 626-6 and L. 643-3, the institutions governed by Book IX of the Social Security Code are the complementary or supplementary retirement or provident institutions, provided for by the provisions applicable in New Caledonia and relating to social security and protection schemes.
In article L. 642-1, the obligation on the court to take account of the provisions contained in 1°, 2°, 3° and 4° of Article L. 331-3 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code means the following prescriptions: “Observe the order of priorities established between the installation of young farmers and the enlargement of farms, taking into account the economic and social interest of maintaining the autonomy of the farm that…
Article L. 643-11 does not apply.
The first paragraph of article L. 721-1 is worded as follows: “The mixed commercial court is composed of the president of the court of first instance, president, elected judges, subject to the provisions of article L. 937-13, and a court clerk. This court exercises the powers devolved in metropolitan France to the commercial court. “
Article L. 722-1 is worded as follows: “Art. L. 722-1 -Decisions of the Mixed Commercial Courts are handed down, except where provisions provide for a single judge, by a panel comprising, in addition to the President, three judges elected or appointed under the conditions provided for in Article L. 937-13. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote. “
The first paragraph of article L. 722-6 reads as follows: “The judges of the mixed commercial courts are elected for four years. They may be re-elected. “
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