Article L952-8 of the French Commercial code
The last paragraph of article L. 228-36 is deleted.
The last paragraph of article L. 228-36 is deleted.
In article L. 233-24, the words: “or VII of Article 97” are deleted.
The second paragraph of article L. 251-7 is deleted.
The III of article L. 310-2 and 6° of article L. 310-5 are deleted.
In article L. 322-1, the words: “to articles L. 221-4 of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures and 945 of the Code of Civil Procedure” are replaced by the words: “to the provisions of civil procedure applicable in the territory relating to the sale of movable property belonging to an estate”.
Article L. 322-9 reads as follows: “Sworn merchandise brokers shall comply with the provisions prescribed by the tax code applicable in the territory relating to public sales and sales by auction. “
In Article L. 420-7, the words: “as well as in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty establishing the European Community” are deleted.
Article L. 430-2 is amended as follows: 1° In the first paragraphs of I to III, the word “three” is replaced by the word “two”; 2° The last paragraphs of I to III are deleted; 3° IV is repealed.
In article L. 430-3, the last sentence of the first paragraph is deleted. In the third paragraph of the same article, the words: “, or the total or partial referral of a transaction falling within the jurisdiction of the European Union,” are deleted. .
In the last paragraph of III of Article L. 440-1, the words “of this Code and Articles L. 511-3, L. 511-21 and L. 511-22 of the Consumer Code” are deleted.
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