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Article L232-23-3-5 of the French Sports Code

The duration of the period of Ineligibility referred to in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 for a breach of article L. 232-9-3 is two years. This period may be reduced by up to half, depending on the degree of the athlete’s fault, except where frequent last-minute changes in whereabouts or the identification of other conduct give rise to a serious suspicion that the athlete was attempting to make…

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Article L232-23-3-6 of the French Sports Code

The duration of the suspension measures referred to in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 for a breach of 1° or 3° of article L. 232-10 shall be a minimum of four years. This sanction may go as far as permanent suspension depending on the seriousness of the breach committed. A violation of 1° or 3° of article L. 232-10 committed involving a protected person is considered to be…

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Article L232-23-3-7 of the French Sports Code

The duration of the suspension measures mentioned in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 for a breach of article L. 232-9-1 is two years. This period may be reduced by up to half, depending on the degree of fault of the person concerned and the circumstances of the case.

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Article L232-23-3-8 of the French Sports Code

The period of Ineligibility for multiple anti-doping rule violations shall be determined in accordance with the conditions set out in I to III. I.-A person who has been duly notified by the French Anti-Doping Agency of the information provided for in article L. 232-21-1 or by any other organisation that is a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code of a presumed violation and who commits, within ten years of this…

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Article L232-23-3-9 of the French Sports Code

The member of athlete support personnel or any other person who assists a person in violating the prohibition provided for in articles L. 232-23 and L. 232-23-4 and persons who have committed a breach of article L. 232-10-3 or article L. 232-10-4 shall be subject to the suspension measures mentioned in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 for a period of between two years and permanent suspension, depending on…

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Article L232-23-3-10 of the French Sports Code

I.- Where the person concerned establishes in a particular case that he is not at fault or negligent, the period of suspension provided for in articles L. 232-23-3-3 to L. 232-23-3-9 shall not apply. II.-The duration of the suspension provided for in articles L. 232-23-3-3 to L. 232-23-3-9 may be reduced under the following conditions, which are mutually exclusive: 1° When the violation involves a specified substance or method other…

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Article L232-23-3-11 of the French Sports Code

The suspension provided for in 2° of I of article L. 232-23 shall take effect on the date of the decision of the Sanction Commission or of the agreement provided for in article L. 232-21, except where b of IV of article L. 232-23-3-10 is applied. Where the person concerned is currently serving a suspension for an anti-doping violation, any new period of suspension shall take effect on the first…

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Article L232-23-3-12 of the French Sports Code

Any person who receives a period of Ineligibility of more than four years may, after serving four years of such period of Ineligibility, participate as an athlete in local sporting events organised by organisations, or their members, which are not signatories to the World Anti-Doping Code, provided that such events are not directly or indirectly qualifying events for a national championship or international event, and provided that the person does…

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Article L232-23-4 of the French Sports Code

Where an analysis result implicates a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method, with the exception of a Specified Substance or Specified Method within the meaning of the Prohibited List referred to in article L. 232-9, or where the profile of relevant parameters in an athlete’s urine or blood shows the use of a prohibited substance or prohibited method, the president of the French Anti-Doping Agency shall immediately order the athlete,…

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Article L232-23-5 of the French Sports Code

I. – In order to re-establish sporting fairness, when a violation of the rules relating to the fight against doping is found in connection with an in-competition test in individual sports, the competent federation or the organiser shall cancel the individual results obtained during the competition by the athlete who committed the violation, with all the resulting consequences, including the withdrawal of medals, points, prizes and winnings. II. – The…

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