Article L1271-6 of the French Public Health Code
The disclosure of information enabling both the donor and the recipient of blood to be identified, in breach of article L. 1221-7, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros.
The disclosure of information enabling both the donor and the recipient of blood to be identified, in breach of article L. 1221-7, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros.
Selling blood or labile blood-derived products at a price different from that set by the order issued for the application of article L. 1221-9 is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros.
The provisions of articles L. 413-1, L. 413-3, L. 441-1, L. 451-1, L. 451-2, L. 451-5 and L. 454-1 to L. 454-4 of the French Consumer Code concerning the falsification of medicinal substances and the display, offering for sale or sale of falsified medicinal substances apply to human blood, its components and labile products derived therefrom. The same penalties as set out in the same articles shall apply to the…
As stated in Article 511-2 of the French Criminal Code, reproduced below: “Obtaining one of a person’s organs in return for payment, in whatever form, is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros. The same penalties shall apply to acting as an intermediary to obtain an organ in return for payment, or to transferring such an organ from another person’s body for consideration. The same penalties…
As stated in Article 511-3 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: “The act of removing an organ from a living adult, including for therapeutic purposes, without the consent of the person concerned having been obtained under the conditions set out in III of article L. 1231-1 of the Public Health Code or without the authorisation provided for in the second paragraph of I and the second paragraph of IV of…
As stated in Article 511-4 of the French Criminal Code, reproduced below: “Obtaining the removal of tissues, cells or products from a person’s body in return for payment, in whatever form, is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. The same penalties shall apply to assisting in the procurement of human tissues, cells or products in return for payment, in whatever form, or to transferring for…
As stated in Article 511-5 of the French Penal Code, reproduced below: “The taking of tissue or cells or the collection of a product from a living person of legal age without that person’s consent having been expressed under the conditions set out in the last three paragraphs of Article L. 1241-1 of the Public Health Code is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 Euros. Taking…
As stated in Article 511-5-1 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-5-1 -The taking of samples for scientific purposes from a deceased person without having submitted the protocol provided for in article L. 1232-3 of the Public Health Code is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €30,000. The same penalties apply to the implementation of a protocol that has been suspended or prohibited by the Minister…
As stated in Article 511-5-2 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-5-2.-I.-The act of preserving and processing organs, tissues, cells or blood, its components and derived products for scientific purposes, including genetic research, is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros: 1° Without having made the prior declaration provided for in article L. 1243-3 of the Public Health Code ; 2° While the Minister in…
As stated in Article 511-7 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: “The fact of removing organs or transplanting organs, removing tissues or cells, transplanting tissues or administering cell therapy preparations, or preserving or processing tissues or cell therapy preparations in an establishment that has not obtained the authorisation required by Articles L. 1233-1, L. 1234-2, L. 1242-1, L. 1243-2 or L. 1243-6 of the Public Health Code, or after the…
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