Article L8271-18 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of article L. 8271-13 apply to the investigation and recording of offences relating to the employment of foreign nationals not authorised to work.
The provisions of article L. 8271-13 apply to the investigation and recording of offences relating to the employment of foreign nationals not authorised to work.
In order to combat illegal employment, the agents responsible for issuing residence permits, who are individually designated and duly authorised, may have access to automated processing of work permits under the conditions defined by law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms. For the same reasons, the labour inspection officers mentioned in article L. 8112-1 and similar officials, individually designated and duly authorised, may…
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of the provisions of articles L. 8271-7 to L. 8271-12.
When the administrative authority is aware of an official report of one of the offences constituting illegal employment referred to in article L. 8211-1, it may, having regard to the seriousness of the facts established, the nature of the aid applied for and the advantage it gives to the employer, refuse to grant, for a maximum period of five years, certain public aid relating to employment, vocational training and culture…
When the administrative authority is aware of an official report of an infringement provided for in 1° to 4° of Article L. 8211-1 or of a report drawn up by one of the control officers mentioned inArticle L. 8271-1-2 establishing a breach of the provisions of the same 1° to 4°, it may, if the proportion of employees concerned so warrants, having regard to the repetition or seriousness of the…
The decision by the administrative authority to provisionally close the establishment, taken in application of article L. 8272-2, shall not result in the termination or suspension of the employment contract or in any financial loss to the employees of the establishment.
When the administrative authority is aware of an official report of an infringement provided for in 1° to 4° of article L. 8211-1, it may, if the proportion of employees concerned so warrants, having regard to the repetition or seriousness of the acts observed, order, by reasoned decision taken against the person who committed the infringement, the exclusion from the administrative contracts mentioned in articles L. 551-1 and L. 551-5…
Failure to comply with the administrative decisions referred to in the third paragraph of article L. 8272-1 and in articles L. 8272-2 or L. 8272-4 is punishable by two months’ imprisonment and a fine of €3,750.
The project owner or the principal, informed in writing by one of the agents mentioned in article L. 8271-1-2 of an infringement of the legal provisions and contractual stipulations applicable to the employee of a direct or indirect subcontractor in the following areas: 1° Individual and collective freedoms in the employment relationship; 2° Discrimination and professional equality between women and men; 3° Maternity protection, maternity and paternity leave and childcare…
A professional identification card is issued by a national body designated by decree by the Conseil d’Etat to each employee carrying out building or public works on behalf of a company established in France or on behalf of a company established outside France in the event of secondment. It contains information about the employee, his employer, the user company where applicable, and the organisation that issued the card. A decree…
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