Article L8223-3 of the French Labour Code
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of the provisions of this chapter.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of the provisions of this chapter.
Representative trade union organisations may bring all legal actions resulting from the application of this Title on behalf of an employee, without having to provide proof of a mandate from the person concerned. All that is required is that the employee has been notified, under conditions determined by regulation, and has not objected within a period of fifteen days from the date on which the trade union organisation notified him…
Failure to comply with the prohibitions defined in article L. 8221-1 is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
Disregarding the prohibitions defined in article L. 8221-1 by the concealed employment of a minor subject to compulsory schooling is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Disregarding the prohibitions defined in the same article L. 8221-1 by committing the acts with regard to several persons or a person whose vulnerability or state of dependence is apparent or known to the perpetrator is punishable by five…
Natural persons guilty of the offences provided for in articles L. 8224-1 and L. 8224-2 are liable to the following additional penalties: 1° Prohibition, in accordance with the provisions of article 131-27 of the French Penal Code, either from holding a public office or from engaging in the professional or social activity in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of which the offence was committed, or from…
Any foreigner guilty of the offences provided for in articles L. 8224-1 and L. 8224-2 is liable to a ban on entering French territory, which may be imposed under the conditions provided for inarticle 131-30 of the French Penal Code for a maximum period of five years.
Legal entities found to be criminally liable, under the conditions set out inArticle 121-2 of the French Penal Code, for the offences set out in Articles L. 8224-1 and L. 8224-2 are liable to : 1° A fine, under the conditions set out inarticle 131-38 of the French Penal Code ; 2° The penalties mentioned in 1° to 5°, 8° and 12° of article 131-39 of the same code. The…
The imposition of the additional penalty of temporary closure of the establishment referred to in 4° of article 131-39 of the French Criminal Code does not result in the termination or suspension of the employment contract or in any financial prejudice to the employees of the establishment concerned.
Any person subject to the obligations set out in article L. 8221-7 who disseminates or causes to be disseminated, or communicates to the person responsible for publication or dissemination, false information relating to his or her identification shall be liable to a fine of 7,500 euros.
Bargaining, defined as any profit-making supply of labour that has the effect of causing prejudice to the employee concerned or evading the application of legal provisions or the stipulations of a collective labour agreement, is prohibited.
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