Article 1761 of the French General Tax Code
A fine equal to 25% of the amount of duty evaded shall be imposed: 1. Infringements of the provisions of I of article 244 bis A; 2. Infringements of articles 150 VI to 150 VM.
A fine equal to 25% of the amount of duty evaded shall be imposed: 1. Infringements of the provisions of I of article 244 bis A; 2. Infringements of articles 150 VI to 150 VM.
Taxpayers who have benefited from the tax credit provided for in article 200 quater in contravention of the provisions of c of 6 ter of the same article 200 quater shall be liable for a fine equal to 50% of the tax advantage unduly obtained, but not less than €1,500.
Any infringement of the provisions of Article L. 111 of the Book of Tax Procedures, relating to tax disclosure, is punishable by a fine equal to the amount of the taxes disclosed.
If they fail to comply with the obligations set out in 2 and 3 of III of article 1378 octies, the organisations mentioned in these 2 and 3 are liable to a fine equal to 25% of the amount of the donations, legacies and payments made to them.
I. – A fine equal to 5% of the sums omitted shall be imposed where the following documents are not produced or are inaccurate or incomplete: a. Table of provisions provided for pursuant to the provisions of Article 53 A; b. Detailed statement of certain categories of expenditure provided for in article 54 quater; c. Statement provided for in the first paragraph of article 223 Q ; d. Register mentioned…
Calls for the application of a fine of €1,500, for each breach established per entity in respect of a financial year, or the increase provided for in b of 1 of article 1728 or article 1729, if the application of this increase results in a higher amount, failure to respond or partial response to a formal notice to file the declaration provided for in IV of article 209 B.
1. The management company of a fonds commun de placement à risques or of a fonds professionnel de capital investissement or the manager of a société de libre partenariat which has included in the declaration provided for in I of Article 242 quinquies erroneous information leading to the concealment of non-compliance with the 50% quota provided for in 1° of II of Article 163 quinquies B is liable to a…
When the administration establishes that a fonds commun de placement à risques, a fonds professionnel de capital investissement or a société de libre partenariat whose rules or articles of association provide that the unit holders or members will be able to benefit from the tax advantages provided for in 2° of 5 of article 38 and to the articles 163 quinquies B, 150-0 A, 209-0 A and 219 has not…
When the administration establishes that a company defined in Article 238 bis HE has not complied with the undertaking provided for in the second paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 199 unvicies or one of those provided for in a and b of the same 3, the company is liable for a fine equal to 8% or 12% respectively of the amount of subscriptions paid by taxpayers who benefited from…
I. – (Expired). II. – (Expired). III. – The transferee company that does not comply with the conversion or construction commitment mentioned in II of Article 210 F is liable for a fine equal to the amount of the tax saving realised by the transferor pursuant to the same Article 210 F. The acquiring company substituted for the rights of the transferee company is liable for the same fine where…
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