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Article R521-22 of the French Commercial code

On receipt of the documents referred to in articles R. 521-19, R. 521-20 or in article R. 521-21 in the case of a financial lease of movable property, the registrar shall cancel the registration, mentioning the formality and its date in the margin of the registration. The supporting documents referred to in articles R. 521-20 or R. 521-21 and one of the forms, if two copies have been submitted, shall…

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Article R521-24 of the French Commercial code

The Registrar shall automatically strike off registrations that have not been renewed before the expiry of the time limits in articles R. 521-11 and R. 521-12. If the registration is made again after the expiry of the registration, it is valid with regard to third parties only from the day of the new date.

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Article R521-25 of the French Commercial code

The cancellation at the Institut national de la propriété industrielle of the lien resulting from the sale or transfer of the business and the pledge of the business is also carried out in the registers determined in II of article R. 521-9, on production of a cancellation certificate issued by the registrar and which includes the same information as that provided for in I of article R. 521-9.

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Article R521-26 of the French Commercial code

Within one clear working day of receipt of the request, the Registrar shall make the required initial, amending and cancellation entries. However, where the application is incomplete, the Registrar shall request the missing information or documents within this time limit, which shall be supplied within fifteen days of the complaint. On receipt of such information or documents, the Registrar shall proceed with the registration within the period referred to in…

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Article R521-27 of the French Commercial code

I.-An appeal against a decision refusing registration, amendment or removal shall be lodged with the president of the court to which the clerk of the court who refused registration is attached. The appeal must be made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent to the registry within fifteen days of notification of the decision. The appeal must state the reasons on which it is based and be accompanied by…

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Article R521-29 of the French Commercial code

In order to guarantee the publicity of registered information, the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce shall set up and manage the national portal referred to in Article R. 521-1. Subject to the provisions of this section, the provisions of Title XXI of Book I of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to the electronic communication of procedural documents made possible by this electronic portal. Before 31…

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Article R521-31 of the French Commercial code

The registrar with whom one of the registrations mentioned in article R. 521-1 has been made shall issue, on request, a statement mentioning the numbers of these registrations that he has noted as well as their date and place of registration. This statement shall be dated and signed by the registrar. The registrar in whose register one or more of the entries referred to in Article R. 521-1 are recorded…

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